The right is to work only, but never to its fruits; let the fruit of action be not thy motive, nor let they attachment be to inaction.
Lord Krishna ( The Gita, 2.47) .
Absolutely no viewership, according to the Stats page again. Google analytics shows some viewers, when I can get into it, that the site does not show, but I can no longer access Analytics from this site. It is like I am cut off from the world. Shut down and shut out. The "why and how?" questions come to mind and I get pulled into the pool of confusion over why what I feel called to do with my time is possibly not having the effect it is meant to. As I see now...not having any effect. Not going anywhere. Why?
I know this-what I do here- is a personal calling. It is so strong I couldn't stop if I wanted to. It benefits me tremendously. Am I not, however, suppose to be reaching someone, one person, at least, outside myself? If I am not reaching anyone here, do I need another site or medium? Then there is even suspicion that other variables are at play. Am I being purposefully cut out somehow for reasons that are less than wholesome? The samskaras I have stored of past memories remind me that it happened before, it could happen again. I feel a certain suspicious reactivity that I would like to be beyond.Sigh.
I really am evolving beyond my attachment to outcome. I truly, truly do not want to feed an ego with the flashy things of the world like notoriety or recognition. I don't. A few readers a day, even one or two, would be enough to validate that I am doing the "important work". Though ego is still around, objecting to being cut off, my deeper Self isn't objecting. It is just curiously questioning what is going on and what it all means. Maybe, people are truly not interested in my approach or "me" as the messenger. That is perfectly okay. They may find the message elsewhere. That's great! It isn't about "me". I have come so far. If a lack of connection now is simply the way it is...I am perfectly okay with it. I will flow with it, trusting that Life knows what it is doing, but if there are other reasons for it, other reasons involved like my gut is telling me there might be...I would like to know why and how... so I can do what is needed!
Hmm! I want to grow. This, what I do here, regardless of the outcome, is helping me to do that.
Still, I question "why?". If what I have come to see as so very important is being done here, why am I not reaching others who may feel the same way, regardless of my approach? Should I figure that out and do what is needed so that I reach others? Or should I just settle into obscurity, lay back in it and float around until Life pulls me in another direction?
I don't know.
The answer to the doing will come but the doing or the fruit of this doing is not what is important, is it?
All is well!
I will take a picture of this entry . Then I will send a request to those who profess to read what I write here to open up to my determine if they have been cut off again or if they voluntarily decided not to read. Then we will go from there.
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