A "life of my own" doesn't exist. There is only Life.
Eckhart Tolle
I am on another kick to explain the need to dismantle the personality, to remove the filter-veil we created over who we truly are. I am determined to explain to myself and others why we need to do that. We need to dismantle the personality, the ego, this false sense of who we think we are in order to get back home to who we really are. We need to embrace this reality, "I am a nobody."
"A nobody"? That's pretty harsh crazy lady? "
Being a "nobody" is not a diminishment. It is that which will set us free.
The Intended Cycle of the Only Life
In the video below, Eckhart Tolle, explains how we...as the One Consciousness... are on a cyclical journey. We come into these incarnations, this world of form, from a formless, timeless, Source/Consciousness. One Source/Consciousness manifested in many bodies and minds. The Source wants to experience this world of form through these bodies and minds. The intention, maybe, is to experience form for a bit before returning home to Source. So its like we come from a formless, timeless state, enter a form to experience a world of form and time for abit, and then are to return home to Source after we experienced it.
Getting Lost in the Filter-Veil of Personality
In order to truly experience this world of form, Tolle reminds us, Consciousness must become completely identified in it. It must get lost in the dream this world provides. It, therefore, many times becomes so distracted by what is playing out in front of It and through It, It forgets what It is. It starts to believe it is a seperate little needy identity and builds on this idea of me by storing impressions and past memory (conditioning), creating a way to react or respond to life events in the world of form that trigger this stored stuff so it isn't uncomfortable, creating preferences ( desires and aversions) and ultimately building a thick filter-veil through which the experiences of the world of form must pass. Things get stuck in that filter veil. They don't pass through as ultimately intended. We get distracted by these things and get more and more lost in this world of form as the filter-veil/the personality/ the ego/ this idea of me gets thicker and thicker and we get farther and farther away from our return home. We become trapped by our personalities in a Life we were just meant to experience as part of the multi manifestation.
Consciousness becomes the "me" and the "we" of our personal minds as we struggle through our own little lives. We rely heavily on thought, ideas, concepts, story and history to get a sense of who we are in this entrapped state. Life becomes a struggle for the "one" because we have forgotten we are actually manifestations of the "One". There is no "my own life". There is only Life. There is no "me" or "we", there is only the One Consciousness. The personality, this idea of "me", then, is only in the way of us experiencing who we really are. It is blocking our return home.
You are more truly yourself when you do not remember your past than you are when you do remember your past. ...You get a stronger sense of yourself in your essence when you are not telling yourself who you are. ...You are never more truly yourself than when you are still.
Eckhart Tolle
When I say the personality has to go so we can return home, I am not really talking about beating up the personal mind and exiling it. I am talking more about removing our obsessive focus on it, its story and its busy doing etc. Dismantling the personality simply means looking up and away from that which we were so glued to and to realize it isn't who we are. We need to disidentify from it and its story, so we remember who we are.
Being in the World, but Not of It.
As Tolle asks in the below video...Can we be simultaneously in the return journey to the Source of all life...and still be active in this world?
Jesus taught, we need to be in the world but not of it. Yes, we need to experience the physical world, enjoy its pleasures, enjoy its struggles...experience all of it...but at the same time we cannot get lost in its dramas, forgetting where we come from. We are of Source...and to Source we will return. Our goal, once we plant our feet on earth's soil, is to begin the return trip home while we experience what this world has to offer.
We need to recognize the personality within us, observe it, examine it, notice how it operates and how and why it reacts or responds to certain life events etc. We need to be aware of its presence in our lives but not to identify with it or its stories. We can still have a personality, but we need to constantly remind ourselves that this personality is not who we are, that we are "more than this". We need to do whatever we can to operate from the higher self not the personality, constantly seeking peace and stillness over what this world can give us.The more aware we are of both our "human" dimension and our "being" dimension the more harmony we can create in this experience we erroneously call "my life".
Being a nobody is simply being who we are.
All is well.
I copied this on to my Medium page
Eckhart Tolle ( December, 2023) New Year, New Goals: Eckhart tolle on Transforming Desire into Fulfillment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rGipsgBfQY
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