Yogis regard the sum total of the impressions, good or evil, as pain bearing obstructions; they obstruct the way to freedom of the Soul.
Vivekananda , page 126
What is the receptacle of works? Vivekananda tells us that it is the sum total of our samskaras, and Singer tells us that is our psyches. It is all we have stored inside us from past experiences. We then either open or close to an outside event or the possibility of one based on what we have learned about these experiences. They become stimuli that leads to a conditioned response.
Yoga, Singer reminds us, is all about energy. Everything is energy...what we are is energy. The trouble is the energy is blocked becasue of this opening and closing that we do. It is us, not Life, that is stripping us of the higher energy experience of living; it is not Life that is doing the closing and the opening. We are shutting ourselves off from the natural flow of happiness, joy, creativity, peace, compassion, love and bliss which is already in us.
We need to stay open, beyond the receptacle of works knowing we are that higher consciousness that is observing it...we are not it. We are SAt Chit Ananda: Eternal Conscious Bliss.
All is well
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe. (December 7, 2023) Learning to Unblock Your Natural Energy Flow. https://tou.org/talks/
The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (n.d.) Kindle Edition
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