Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The Character in the Palace

  The Character in the Palace

Pushing through the flimsy veil

 to grab at scattered pieces, 

strips of plaster, clumps of clay, 

paint of pretty colour, 

 busy hands and minds struggle 

to rearrange the wild and unpredictable  

 atoms  that circle "out there" 

into pleasing structures.

Solid  brick walls 

and sturdy glass fences are created 

to house the "me" 

inside its appealing and  safe palace.

Moats are made with eloquent words 

and fancy ideas,

while  accolades of recognition are chanted.

Latin words encased in black frames   

hang suspended from imaginary walls; 

and  possessions that glitter like gold ,

form draw bridges 

that will open to only that

which reflects the shine

It, the ruler of this kingdom, 

 grows , loud and demanding ,

within this well made 

and constantly renovated cage

we have created. 

Like an active and  boisterous toddler 

rejecting parental  attempts at discipline,

it stumbles, and tumbles  and grumbles  

as it moves around the parameter,

grasping and clinging 

to all that pleases it,

rejecting and pushing away, 

with its "defiant "nos",

all that makes it squirm. 

Never satisfied,

 its cries  of "Me" and "Mine." 

and "My" bounce off

the walls ,

 echoing like the twang of country lyrics

into the world that exists beyond.

And a world does exist beyond.

Past the pretty walls,

the angry moat

and through the see through fence

a world  ancient and wise,

perfect and chaotic

is waiting.

Beating with the smooth heartbeat 

of all that is and ever was,

it vibrates through cracks 

and the partially open windows 

mind has created.

Flowing in, flowing out, 

like wisps of refreshing air

that can cleanse, heal and sustain.

Yet this entity we are feeding,

 protected and admired 

amidst all its fairy tale creations,

refuses to breathe in that air 

and reaches up, 

with trembling  

and awkward hand,

 to close the shutter

again and again and again ,

until we are  smothering 

in our creation.

Daley-Lyn (December, 2022)

Quick attempt at sitting with what was coming out.  Far from perfect.  

All is well! 

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