Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sacred Spaces

 Sacred Spaces

Behind  the veils

that seem so thick and heavy,

beyond the  flimsy

yet seemingly 

unpenetrable barrier

that is blown back and forth

by the unpredictable 

winds of life

are  the sacred spaces

your being longs to rest in.

Like a hopeful child, 

in a game of hide and seek,

you catch a glimpse of the light beyond

the moving and transient fabric

as it blows in 

as it blows out,

as it comes, 

and as it goes.

Something within you   waits  excitedly  for the breeze

to provide a small opening crack,

 just big enough so you can  slide 

into this mysterious hiding place.

It, this being taht you really are,  

slips in so easily

and settles in the wondrous light 

and airy spaciousness

of some secret holy grotto,

escaping the endless searching

taking place on the otherside. 

In this perfect sacred space,

in this still,  quiet nook

You don't need to crouch, hide, 

or become small here; 

or to holdyour  breath in fear

that you  will be captured

by  the grasping hands 

on the other side.

Your Being   can stretch up  tall and long.

It can breathe in all there is. 

It can be  free. 

In these perfect sacred spaces,

Who you are

does not need to hide,

It simply is.

© Dale-Lyn, November 2020

Love takes off the mask we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word 'love' here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, a state of grace- not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth. -James Baldwin

It seems that although we thought ourselves permanent, we are not. Although we thought ourselves settled, we are not. Although we thought we would last forever, we will not.-The Buddha

From Listening to Jack Kornfield and Eckhart Tolle:

Be Here Now Network ( July 23, 2017) Jack Kornfield-Episode 6-1- Letting Go.

Eckhart Tolle (Sept, 2020) Calling in the Light of Consciousness, Part 2.

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