Shall we continue to allow God's grace to shine in unawareness, while the toys and trinkets of the world are sought instead? ...What could we seek but our Identity?
Wow! It has been a while and more than sporadic, but my committment to finisihing the lessons in A Course continues.
4. What is Sin?
According to ACIM, sin is insanity...a state of mind where we give up truth and choose illusions instead. It is, infact, the home of illusions. What illusions grow in this idea of sin? Belief that there is such things as evil in human beings, that we are not eternal and will die, and that we are and can be seperate from our Source. With Self Realization, the belief in sin will be dismantled naturally.
I liken the descriptions here to the teachings from Uell S. Andersen, Maharshi and the Buddhist teachings on sin.
Relating to Other Teachings
In Hebrew, the word 'sin' means to simply miss the make a mistake in perception, to see incorrectly. The Buddhists call this "wrong view" or "unskilful percetion'. Maharshi refers to sin as simply our mistaking the veil of ego impurities and illusions over the flawless Self as our reality.
And Andersen in Three Magic words states, Evil is a wrong road, a mistake, a pain expereince, simply a search on the road toward truth; and since it is not truth it is error; and since it is error it is illusion.
Lesson 251: I am in need of nothing but the truth
After suffering as long as we have in our mistaken ideas...we come to realize that the only way through is by going in towards the truth of our exisrence. ( maybe what Maharshi would call ot Absolute Reality). When we find this truth, [this Self?] all sin will end becaus eall external seeking directed by ego will stop. Realizing that sin and ego are simply illusions , we will find the peace of truth and realization.
Lesson 252: The Son of God is my Identity
This is a plea for awakening to Self and the Love of God illuminated in that Self. Once we realize who and what we are...there will be no more need for external grasping which creates this idea of sin.
Leson 253: My Self is ruler of the universe .
Again we are speaking about how Self realization, is going home to the truth . We realize our power and our ability to rule our destiny. We are reminded of how we are One with Self and that God is Self. You are the Self Whom You created Son
Lesson 254: Let every voice but God's be still in me
Here we ask God to help us get beyond ego's voice and direction and hear only God's Voice which can only be heard in silence. In silence God will let us know what we really want (our will) . Our will is God's Will and we are to be reminded of it.
Lesson 255: This day I choose to spend in perfect peace
Here we choose peace, the peace of surrendering to God's Will, not ego's.
Lesson 256: God is the only goal I have today
Through forgiveness of anyone who we think has wronged us and whom God created sinless,we make God our Goal.
Lesson 257: Let me remember what my purpose is
We must remember that we can have no Will but God's and forgiveness is God's Will. It is our purpose to forgive and that is to see clearly.
Lesson 258: Let me remember that my goal is God
Aganin we are reminded that God, Self Realization is our only goal. All other goals belong to ego and are fruitless, meaningless and based on illusions.
Lesson 259: Let me remember that there is no sin
Sin is the only thought that makes the goal of God seem unattainable.
Sin is the source of fear, that blinds us to the obvious, leads to defense and attack, guilt and the demand for punishment...thus leading to suffering. We ask to remember that God is the Source of everything and God is Love...not fear.
Lesson 260: Let me remember God created me
Here we ask to be reminded of our Source, and our Identity as God's creation.
All Good!
ACIM Workbook...Lessons 251-260
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