The Guru creates the conditions necessary for one's quest.
I better clarify what a Guru is, according to Maharshi. I have, as you may know from reading other entries, always been uncomfortable with that term. I know a lot of 'less than Self-realized' people out there call themselves 'Guru' to gain some greater sense of self gratification and because of that are truly not gurus. In fact, they can prove to be dangerous egos with devoted followings...and in some cases be nothing more than cult leaders. So I have been overly cautious with that pointer.
What's a Guru?
A Guru, according to Maharshi, is simply an inner and outer manifestation of Self. When we are truly ready to seek God for reasons other than having our own selfish needs met...the Grace of God provides guidance. This guidance comes in both the external form of Guru that points or pushes us inward and the internal Guru that pulls us inward. Too often we see the Guru as only the physical body of another in the form of a 'teacher'and though it can be that, it doesn't have to be that and it is never just that. I like to see 'Guru' then as the Grace of God that takes us inward.
Driven Towards Evolution?
Hmmm! So I am still thinking about the suffering of others and this time mostly about why people in the adolescent/young adult age group seem to be suffering so. Then it dawned on me that maybe they are suffering so they, as a group, turn inward. They are the "evolving" generation maybe...the ones to kick start a greater evolution in consciousness in humanity. Maybe the Guru-the Grace of God-has created the conditions of suffering so that our youth get frustrated and are inclined to turn inward towards God...towards Self realization and higher consciousness. Maybe there seems to be mass suffering so there can be a mass evolution.
When you are frustrated externally and are driven inwards you feel.'Oh there is a power higher than man.'
Our Role as Elders
If that is the case, what are we, the 'Old Fogies of Seekers', meant to do to help? Let me rephrase that...What is supposed to be done through us to assist the young adults of the village evolve? And I do believe we need a 'village consciousness', to step beyond our borders and special relationships to see the entire world as a village we are a part of. As elders of that village maybe, we are meant...not to be Gurus...but guides toward the Ultimate Guru???
How do we do that?
We seek the guidance of that Guru and find our own way inward. Once there maybe , once Self-realized, a special door will appear that can only be unlocked from the inside, a door that we are needed to unlock. We then swing the door open and we welcome all the suffering youth of today to the center of Self. Do you think that's the plan?
Anyway ...that is what came out here, for what it is worth.
All is well!
Arthur Osborne (2002) The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi in His Own Words. 8th edition. Kindle, Chapter 4
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