Monday, April 6, 2020

Wash Your Hands As You Evolve

I am in danger nowhere in the world.

I am skipping way ahead to lesson 244 because I was reminded of those words by Alan Cohen today in a lovely little video he did called,  A Course in Miracles: The Coronavirus, The Economy, and Healing. They also apply to what I wrote about yesterday...this inherent fear response we have.


Now I want you to believe these words...I want you to feel that you are not in danger.  I want you to strive for the peace that fearlessness and defenselessness provide...but unlike Alan Cohen...I am telling you straight out to "Wash Your Hands and Keep Your Distance! Please!"

Nothing To Fear! Miracles Can Happen!

I do not want any of us living in fear over this pandemic.  That will help nothing! So I love the message he shared, I do.  And I agree:  When we have evolved in faith enough to know we cannot be harmed, when we operate fully from that clear capacity of presence and Spirit...seeing who we really are beyond these forms, viral outbreaks  will not only not  touch  us in our true essence, they will not touch us physically.  Faith and a true belief that we cannot be harmed in all realms of our beingness will prevent us from being so.

As we evolve as a human species in our consciousness, we can achieve this "miracle" of mind over matter.  I believe that.  I believe there are some individuals on the planet who have actually achieved this already and therefore  it is a possibility for all of us.  If we learn to control the mind, we can do anything.


My question is...Are we there yet? How many of us are actually there yet in our conscious evolution?  How many have evolved through what A Course calls the "Holy Instant" and have  become this knowing? How many of us are operating from this super-human Faith that leaves all traces of fear behind in the dust?

 I would have to guess that, at this point in our evolutionary process,  there is only a handful.  Though many, many  of us are in the process of becoming more awake and aware; though many of us are learning to transcend fear for love ...we still have fear and ego in our bloodstream.  We are  evolving, yes, but maybe a bit more slowly than others who have transcended in a miraculous moment A Course refers to.

I guess, what I am saying...we are getting there but we as a  species may not have reached that level of collective transcendence yet.  We are still somewhat dependent on the "magic" the physical world supplies and provides in order to give us that sense of safety. Thus we are not ready to breech public health protocol and walk defenseless into a "perceived" heavily contaminated area.  We need to think of all the others who have yet to evolve into this Faith.

So please, wash your hands and keep your social distance as you work on your own spiritual evolution.

Waking Up Is a Process

Waking up for most of us is a process rather than a Holy Instant .  I am not saying the Holy Instant isn't possible...I believe it is...but for most of us...because of our ingrained resistance to truth...waking up will be a process. As long as I still cling to the notion that the physical world around me is real... this virus , I believe, is also real and has the potential to damage the "physical".  I know it cannot damage Who I really am...but I still see it as  somewhat of a threat to this form...which like all physical form is perishable. That is where most of us are in our conscious evolution. 

I believe we are headed in the direction of controlling the physical  with a higher consciousness but we are on still on the path, not at the end of it. It is, I believe, a process for most of us.

As long as we have a foot in each world we have not evolved to full faith...and if we have not evolved to full faith...our bodies can be inhabited by the physical. If the virus enters my body( and I honestly do not spend anytime in fear or panic that it will) I can pass it on to others in this world.

So please...wash your hands and keep your distance, not just for your "sense of safety" but for the physical safety of the millions who have yet to evolve into the greater awareness that they are beyond illness.

All is well in my world.

Alan Cohen (March 17, 2020) A Course in Miracles: Corona Virus, The Economy, And Healing

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