Friday, April 10, 2020

Blast from the past

Forget about being impressive, and commit to being real.
Danielle LaPorte

Working on my web page so I am able to post some yoga videos for my students and anyone that wants hope someone benefits from them.  I had to change the title I have been using though because I realized that it is one frequently used by many studios.  And I thought I was so smart picking that one out lol? So I now call it Mindful Serenity: A Gentle Yoga Practice for Peace of Mind. In the process of registering it as such.

Anyway...I am asking that my ego stay out of the picture as I take on this project.  I notice it judging my videos very harshly because they are not as "perfect" as they should be. I also don't want to feed it with anything I may receive for what I am doing in the form of views or likes or comments.  Do not want that! It takes the ease and the peace away from the experience when ego gets involved.

 I see the same with my poetry as I get it ready for a contest...I am editing , rearranging, judging, cringing when  heck...I know it really isn't mind to judge in the first just came through me.  "Keep it as it is and send it out", is the bit of advice I give myself when I am calm and still.

It is great to "notice" when ego is creeping into the picture. I still grasp at being judged in a favorable way through this poetry and I fear and duck away from the possibility of being judged unfavorably.  Classic human tendency, eh? I want to be Independent of the need for the good opinion of others!(Abraham Maslow).

So I will practice making ego squirm a bit by putting up a far from perfect video I did years ago.  And I will appreciate the fact, that despite its imperfections, I was real  in it...and that is all that matters.

All is well in my world!

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