Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Hastening Eternal Rules

What it needed was to ripen and unfold patiently in sunlight. Now it was too late.  My breath had forced the butterfly to emerge ahead of time, crumpled and premature. It came out underdeveloped, shook desperately, and soon died in my palm.  The butterfly's corpse, I believe, is the greatest weight I carry on my conscience. What I understood deeply on that day was this: to hasten eternal rules is a mortal sin. One's duty is to confidently follow nature's everlasting rhythm.
Zorba the Greek

I was reminded of that beautiful passage when listening to Robert  Moss speak of his book, The Boy who Died and Came Back. (see link below).  In his book he wrote  of this beautiful passage from Nikos Kazantzakis' Zorba the Greek. What great insight and wisdom exists in this passage and I can, in my narcissism fervor, relate it to my own awakening. Maybe you can too?

I am in the process of evolving...and I know I have actually used this same analogy before in the form of poetic verse (must find that)...but I am still mushy and under-underdeveloped inside a chrysalis.  I am impatient in this state .  I don't really know how to settle into it and relax.  I am still clinging to  all I left behind or what I lost in that other stage of my development, wondering if I can go back there and  at the same time I am  anxious to fly off into this new understanding  I am so sure I will experience when I evolve further.

This present stage seems to be taking so long lol.  But this passage from Zorba the Greek  reminds me that if we push this and strive real hard to bust through the walls of this cocoon that is here for a reason, we will find ourselves like Zorba's butterfly...unable to fly and unable to survive consciously in this new state.

We are all going to get there, to emerge into this new wonderful reality brought on by a deeper understanding when we are ready...but only when we are ready.  We need to learn to lay back and relax where we are and accept the process that is being directed by Something much Wiser and Greater than we could ever think to be. Let that be the breath that awakens us and others...not our own hurried little one's

It is all good.

Nikos Kazantzakis (2014 Edition as translated by Peter Bien)   Zorba the Greek. Simon & Schuster

Robert Moss ( November 2014)   Present! Robert Moss: Dreams and the NDE. KMVT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWoK8u1bsXY

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