-Marcus Aurelius (Brainy Quote)
My learning keeps bringing me back to this: all our so called problems with life are in our minds and in our minds only. There are two things that hold us back from being "free", expanding, joyous, peaceful and embracing the here and now. Those two things are:
- Resistance to what is
- the "little me" the ego has created with its "me, my and mine " focus.
So what do we do about it? We learn to put down our resistance and do what Tao Lzu teaches....become as soft and supple as water. We let go and accept.
"What? You want us to give up?"
In a way...yes...but there is a big difference between giving up and letting go. I am by no means encouraging anyone to curl up in a ball in the fetal position and stay there. I simply mean...we need to let go of our resistance. We need to stop fighting and struggling against what is...against the moment...against Life. Let go of the resistance and the struggle. Accept what is not yours to control!
I love the Serenity prayer (so much so...I named my yoga studio "Serenity Yoga").
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
There is very little, "out there" that we can change, that we have a "right" to change or that will make the real "problem" go away if we do change it. If there are changes to be made, they are likely internal changes that involve the way we think.
Life is not out to get us. In fact there is very little personal in it. We therefore, do not have to struggle to keep some sort of a status quo. We do not need to resist it...we just need to change the way we think about it. We need to put away "this is bad...it therefore must be fought off, pushed away or fixed," mentality.
Resistance is so very draining! And it isn't effective, is it? How many times has your crying out "Oh no!" changed the situation you were in? All the energy we put into resisting "what is" could be better spent living, don't you think?
That living begins with accepting the moment for all it offers...be it sunshine or rain...pleasure or pain...joy or sadness. A certain relief comes when we finally get that and we put down our heavy shields and our weapons of attack, when we put down our need to fight the moment as if it were an enemy....when we just accept it for whatever it is. We become lighter, freer.
Go Beyond the "Little me" mentality
We also need to realize at some point that "it isn't all about me." Life isn't that personal. There is almost 8 billion people on this planet and trillions of other beings. Earth is just one planet in a solar system and our solar system is just one in an infinite galaxy of more. We are not being signalled out for the "bad things" that happen. They just happen.
This "me...me" focus doesn't protect us from pain and suffering...it makes it worse. With the more me, my and mine...the more separation, competition, defense and attack that takes place. This leads to more isolation and a disconnect from each other and from the source of all Life. More "bad things" are bound to happen. Our "little me" focus is pulling the world into darkness instead of toward the light of understanding I believe we are here to find.
Most of us know by now, how good it feels, how right it feels when we are selflessly caring for another. It feels good for a reason...it is our natural inclination. We need to care more for others...all others...not just those who help keep this idea of "little me" thriving. We do not need to build more borders or weapons of destruction that go against our nature...we need to build more compassion and acts of kindness. We do not need more devices that disconnect...we need more connection!
Anyway...I digress. That is the learning I am left with: If we want to heal ourselves and therefore the world...we need to stop resisting and we need to expand beyond the little me.
But who am I and what do I know? :)
All is well!
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