Do everything in a sacred manner....honor the now!
-Eckhart Tolle
The Photos
I finally got out to shoot on Thursday!!! Oh man I missed having a camera in my hands. And it was the most amazing day with the most amazing scenery. The colours...OMG! The camera loved them. If it wasn't for those captured colours, it was the type of day that could make the most amateurish of us an Ansel Adams. Our province is absolutely breathtaking in autumn. So very grateful
I can't get the details about what I shot these in for some reason. Sure it was aperture priority with about a 55mm lens. ISO 200...not sure what SS or f stop. As if you really wanted to know lol.
The Quote
I was thinking about that man in the photos when I came across that quote. He is often in a state of "pre-thought" and though it can be concerning and even infuriating at those times I allow my ego to resist his nature...for the most part I am so envious! He can be so connected to the now. He treats it as sacred and he honors it without even trying to. He doesn't seem to have to work his way through a thick dense cloud of thinking, analyzing, judging, condemning and can just be so there, like he was in these shots. (He wasn't posing lol...all shots are candid....which I so prefer). He radiates peace and nature welcomes him like one of her own.
Sigh! I, on the other hand, need a pick axe, chisel and a saw to get through the thinking in my head....especially after an incident that occurred after our nature experience. :) I find myself too often, using this moment as a means to the next...rushing through it, without appreciating what I am doing in each here and now.
If we treat the moment as sacred we would honor it and see the beauty in it. We wouldn't view it and use it as if it was just something in our way, would we? Each step, on this path would be something to respect and honor.
I am just so grateful I had a few hours to reconnect with the earth and landscape, to get my bearings, to find myself "Present" before I once again had to deal with what I dealt with. And I am grateful for having this man in my life and for what he can teach me about simply being there.
All is well!
Let it be so completely that labels are not necessary in the mind.
Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle (March 2016) Eckhart Tolle Omega 7. Namaste Publishing
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