Friday, March 16, 2018

The Solution To Every Problem

Whatever solution you seek for whatever problem you may have [perceive to have]is available to you in this moment.
Wayne. w. Dyer from There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, page 121

Do You Believe That?

Most of us would say: "That depends on what the problem is and what you mean by this moment?" We place conditions and restrictions on these words. Most of us believe that big problems like poverty, illness, broken hearts take time to be resolved.  There are things we have to do to fix, come up with a plan, change our circumstances, get external help so that the problem is solved, don't we? So how on earth can the solution to every problem be available right now if we have not yet done the work?

All problems are internal?

Say what?  What's so internal about having no money in my account or having a roof that is leaking?  What is so internal about this mass on my belly or this car accident I was just in?

These things could definitely be  in your physical experience but they are not the problem.  The problem is how you react emotionally, cognitively and behaviourally because of the circumstances that surround you. 


Some person may get into a fender bender on the way to work and get out of their car screaming, yelling, and ready to punch the other person out. They think the worse about "why these things always happen to me", worry about the damages, get caught up on how this "should not" have happened and ponder obsessively on the "what ifs" as the thoughts spiral out of control.  They then make threats and say things or do things they cannot take back.  They sue or worse physically attack the other person and get sued. They hold onto this grievance for days, weeks, decades.

The problem is not the car accident...the problem is how the person reacted to it.

Another person may have the same accident with the same amount of damages.  They may  get out of their car, smile politely at the "offender", assess the actual damage and figure it is very doable.  They may do what they are legally expected to do but forgive the other person and go on with their day. They accept what happened and then let go of it.  It is no longer a problem for them.

The Solution is Internal

What made the problem in the first scenario? The accident or the reaction?  Think about it. The solution then is working on our reaction, is it not?

Sure, having a fender bender is an annoying thing we do not want to have to experience but more than likely we will at some point in our lives have one.  It is not a problem, however, until we make it a problem.  If we look at the situation as the fellow did in scenario One, we may have some issues with our perception, our attachment of value onto things that really have so little value, our resistance to what is and with our ability to control our minds where all problems really exist. The mind is the problem, not the dented bumper. If the mind is the problem , maybe it is there we have to go for the solution.

What is a problem anyway?

Would we not agree that a problem is anything that causes discomfort, distress, or suffering of any kind? So if we want to solve it, we need to get to the cause of suffering which is not what is going on in the external world. We see instead that our perception, thinking and behavioural reactions as the cause of of our suffering.

It wasn't the accident that caused the suffering,  it was the mind.  Look at the second scenario.  Did this guy have a problem?  He had the same accident but his approach to it was peaceful.  Aha!  The answer then...the solution then to "every" problem is peace.

Peace is the solution

If we approach all external life events with in a state of peace, we will see things differently, we will experience things differently.  We will accept and emote and be done with it.  We will not hold onto grievances, stay stuck in negativity, or "suffer". We will let go and go on living the wonderful lives we were meant to.

How to Approach Life Peacefully

We need to develop peaceful minds now, before life does what it does and despite the fact that life is doing what it does.  We find moments of stillness and silence.  "Be still and Know..." We go inward instead of outward as we change our perceptions lovingly and with forgiveness. We come to terms with who we really are and from Whom we came...and man how could anything be perceived as a problem then?

The solution to every problem can be found right now by simply going inward to the peace that has always been there.

All is well in my world.

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