Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on earth as in heaven....
Matthew 6:10 and a line from the Lord's prayer. (No need to check this out is there?:)
I am not here to preach. As soon as I wrote that line out...that beautiful line from a Lord's prayer, I felt that is how I would likely come across. Most of us have a very difficult time with allowing such words that come from the mouth or fingers of another into our spaces.
Intrusive and Offensive?
It feels intrusive almost, like unexpected knocks on doors in the middle of the day from strangers carrying pamphlets and soul saving messages they want to share. It can be off putting. We may feel violated almost and seek the safety of our familiar beliefs or the separate borders of defense they provide, "I am sorry...I am Catholic (or Jewish or whatever). I don't believe what you believe", we might mutter as we, red faced, close the door on the intruder. We certainly don't tell the pamphlet wagging stranger that we have not been in church for ten years and we are not sure at this point what we believe but we are definitely not going to entertain their message. They are certainly not going to tell us what to believe. They might as well be selling crack cocaine or child pornography for the amount of "offense" their visit creates in us. We feel the wrongness of it, the violation of it. We get angry. I know that. I felt that.
Wisdom in the Words
Still, I hold firm. I want to write those words from a Lord's prayer down. I love those words and I embrace those words especially now while I am in the process of letting go of ego will for something so much greater.
You can feel free to slam the door on my face if you need to I am not here to convince you of anything. I am not here defending any religious teachings... I am just looking at Matthew's words like I examine the words of writers, poets, teachers, gurus, and scientists everywhere and finding myself amazed with the wisdom in them. I want to share that amazement.
Why are we afraid?
Then I wonder why we are so afraid of such words if they come to us unsolicited. Why are we so afraid, to the point of anger and attack, at the mere mention of God and God's Will for us. Why do we slam doors on the idea of Him...locking Him out of schools and social events so as not to "offend"? What is so offensive about God?
God is not Religion
Awe...then it dons on me. Ego doesn't like us talking about God...not the universal can't be disputed Truth of God. It will allow us our religions with our distinct and separate ideations, dogmas and doctrines. It will allow us our separate "images and names" of God because those separations help to protect it not God. You see, more violation, more war, more destruction was done for the preservation of religious beliefs than anything else. Among the many things ego uses to keep us separate minded, religion is probably one of the greatest tools. REligion, however, is not necessarily God.
Religion can be a wonderful thing if it stands for what God obviously is: Love. If it promotes that at all costs even to the point of dismantling its own borders...than religion is wonderful and powerful means of bringing people to God. But if it uses fear instead of Love, in the guise of being "Godly" and defends its separate dogmas so much so that it attacks all others who do not follow that dogma...than that is not Love, that is not God...that is fear induced hate in the name of religion. That is ego at its worse.
God-based Being vs Ego-based doing
Lesson Four is going to discuss the ego in detail but before we can even go there we need to make that distinction between God-based being and ego-based doing. They are completely different.
What ego wills for us is not what God wills for us. And the thing is: as much as ego tries to convince us that we can chose it's puny desires for us over God's and be happy, we really can't. As long as we are following ego's will for us to push God out we will never be happy. And the thing is we cannot push God out, no matter how we try. We cannot change the Truth about who we are and from Whom we came. We can deny it, we can close ourselves up and away from Him by avoiding and becoming completely distracted in this busy world of form and doing ...but God, in whatever form you perceive Him/Her...what ever name you call Him... never shut us out.
A separation between us and God can't be because we are a part of God. We cannot separate our will from God's either. God's Will for us is already done, on Earth and in Heaven. The question is, are we going to open the door and get to know Him and that Will, our will all over again. Are we going to continue slamming doors on one another, defending and attacking or are we going to accept that there is only One God and One will we all share?
All is well in my world.
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