I have not lost the knowledge of Who I am because I have forgotten it.
ACIM Lesson 56: 4
Finding Self beneath the Thinking
The first 50-60 lessons in A Course in Miracles speaks to Lesson Two. It states that we can only find our True Selves when we get past the thinking tricks of ego that have made us forget. Ego creates a threatening world in our minds where we are separated and at the mercy of pain, illness, loss, age and death. We feel under constant attack as a result of this thinking and the fearful self-image we create as a result of it. How can we know ourselves in the truest form if we see ourselves under constant attack? How can we appreciate our loving and divine essence as long as we are looking out at a fearful and dangerous world?
I do not care if you adhere to the teachings in a Course or not. I don't care if you have strong religious or philosophical convictions that make you strongly resist it or any of the other sources I referenced. I am not trying to promote A course. I am just trying to share the universal wisdom it offers. That wisdom is non-denominational, non-secular, and relevant for all of us no matter what our background of belief .
What is that Wise Truth?
We are more than what we perceive ourselves to be. The way we approach the world is based on our goal to prove ego's version of it and ourselves true. We spend so much of our life energy trying to prove to ourselves and others that what ego says we are, we are: limited, undeserving, separate from God and each other and at the mercy of a cruel, punishing world. At the same time, we know deep down that we are so much more than this and that the world we see is so much more than the purpose we use it for.
Undoing ego's Version of self
Once we change our thinking we begin to change the perception of Self that lies beneath the thinking. We undo and let go of ego's version of "self" and begin to remember Spirit's version of Self which is so much different. That knowledge of who we are resides within us whether we remember it or not. With the letting go of ego mind the fugue lifts. We begin to see clearly once again and remember. We put aside our limited eye sight and look upon the Self and the world with true vision. A limited self becomes an unlimited Self and a dangerous world of fearful things becomes a world of Love.
Do we all not want that?
All is well in my world.
Foundations for Inner Peace ( 2007) Lessons 1-60. A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume. Third Editions. Mill Valley: Foundations for Inner Peace.
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