Consciousness is the emanation of God, just as a beam of light is the emanation of the sun.
I began my practice today by listening to Eckhart Tolle in, How to Become More Conscious, remind all us listeners that we don't have or get consciousness, we are consciousness. This consciousness, he goes on to say, emanates from the Source of all Life.
Are we God then?
Now that is a very tricky question to ask in this world where belief and dogma, and our conceptualization of it, is adhered to with great ferociousness, and even trickier to answer. What Tolle says in his very diplomatic way is, "Kind of". A ray of light is not the sun but at the same time it is. It is a very reduced, condensed and seemingly separate part of that great, almighty source from which it came. The same would go for us as expressions of our source.
Others may be less diplomatic in their explanations. We all have a soul and a soul, as Gary Zukav wrote in, The Seat of the Soul, is a micro or a reduced part of the macro. You are an individual energy system, a micro of a macro. As part of the micro, you have all the power of the macro calibrated to an individual form of certain energies. (page 164) You have always been because what it is that you are is God, or Divine Intelligence, but God takes on individual forms, droplets, reducing its power to small particles of individual consciousness. (page 173)
God is too Great for us to be...yet we are expressions of God, therefore we have that consciousness energy, in us. We are not just conscious then, we are consciousness.
Are we separate and individual then?
Most of us grow up believing, Tolle explains, that we are disconnected fragments of the hostile universe. We may see ourselves as a separate little wave on a vast and turbulent ocean, not realizing our inseparable connection to that ocean that all waves are simply manifestations of. We may see ourselves as a separate ray of light, distinct and separate from all the other rays of light, forgetting that we are light and all light originates from the same source. Though it seems we are separated from each other by our body lines, our geography and our different view points and beliefs we are not separate because we share the same infinite consciousness.
I also listened to Alan Watts point out in Your Attitude Creates Your Reality, that though it seems like we are so separate from all around us becasue we all have different view points ...we aren't. We are, actually, all points of view growing out of the center of consciousness. We share the same center. How can we be separate then?
Ego or God?
Would you be a hostage to the ego or host to God? ACIM
So within us we have the consciousness, the energy of God. We have somehow, however, buried our realization of this under layers of ego stuff: our mental modifications, our belief that we are separate beings at the mercy of a dangerous world and a sense we are disconnected from Source. Because of this we live life controlled by our fears , ready and waiting in defense and attack mode, struggling to make the world something that suits us and protects us from pain. We suffer.
So what do we do , crazy lady?
When we are finally fed up with suffering...we seek to put an end to it. We use it to transcend . (Well that is what "I" am trying to do...but what do I know.) We begin to put our energy toward seeking to remove that which clouds our vision. We do as Patanjali suggests, control the rising of the mind into ripples...We look deeply at all the ego stuff we have been trapped beneath , the old habits of mind and observe, then realize once and for all how unwholesome they are, how they hold us back, blocking the energy that is meant to flow through all of us. Then we make a commitment to be a host to God, every moment of every day. be open,observing, allowing, and constantly relaxing and releasing This requires practice: deprogramming and reprogramming, de-conditioning and reconditioning. It involves letting go of who we thought we were for who we really are. Hmmm!
You are a beam of light, and therefore you are light. You are a wave on the ocean, you therefore are the ocean. You are an expression of Infinite Consciousness, you therefore are consciousness.
You are that!
We all need to remember that truth!
All is well!
Eckhart Tolle ( May , 2022) How to Increase Consciousness.
Alan Watts (June, 2021) Your Attitude Creates Your Reality
Gary Zukav (2014) The Seat of the Soul. Simon & Schuster: New York
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