Sunday, August 18, 2019

You are not suppose to love yourself until you do.
                                                                       Byron Katie

Wherever you are at right here, right now is exactly where you are supposed to be. What ever you are experiencing at this very moment is perfect because it simply is.

Stop resisting it!  Stop beating yourself up for it! Stop "shoulding" yourself to death. 

If you are not the person you want to be...don't sweat it!  You are what you are and that is all that matters.  The next moment may be different but until you accept who you are "now" there will be no evolution.

If you are not feeling as happy and confident as you want to feel...don't let it get to you.  You are feeling the way you feel.  It is what it is....right "now".  Allow whatever you feel to just will pass.  But right now it is simply is.  Don't block it...let it pass.

If you are behaving in ways you vowed you would never behave...don't cringe and crawl away from Self in shame.  Face it!  Accept it! Though you will make better choices in the next moment...know that it is perfect as it is right now. Regardless of what you do because you are not what you do. How beautiful his[and your] sinlessness will be when you perceive it! ACIM:25:V:5:5

It is all perfect. This is it....because it is!  That is all you need to know! 

All is well!

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