Monday, August 26, 2019

We are what we eat?

I can't control everything in my life but I can control what I put in my body.

Sounds a bit like something an individual challenged by an eating disorder might say.  Wasn't intended as such. There is a healthy type of intermittent fasting that is not about "starving" the body but healing it and rewiring the way the mind thinks about food.


I am on day five of another juice/smoothie fast and I feel amazing!!! I feel lighter, happier and more energetic.  This feeling was not really suppose to happen for a few weeks after the fast but I feel it now.

This was not done as a means to lose weight or gain a sense of control over my body. I had no expectations with this fast other than maybe hoping it would put me on a better nutritional path in the future and help to relieve some of the old body's symptoms. I also hoped that it would allow me to hear what the body really wanted beneath all the mind noise. Getting rid of my menopausal belly was not a goal as I know and fully accept that it is a healthy part of this transition.

Helping the body get rid of all the accumulated toxic and yucky stuff we put into it,  however, leads to a bit of healing. It allows us to hear it through occasional hunger pains and understand better how it responds to what we put into it.

Filling the trillions of cells within this clump of flesh with fabulous plant derived antioxidants, vitamins and micronutrients has made it happy.  A happy body will create a happier state of mind and a happy mind helps to create a happy being.

More on this later!!

All is well!

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