Friday, August 16, 2019

Under an Indiana Sky
why can't you hear it...
the beautiful symphony of sound
being played just for you
under this perfect Indiana sky?
close your eyes
and listen to the music
that lies like white noise
beneath  your hard working bodies
and  your busy minds.
get beyond your toil,
 your  thinking,
and feel the vibration of Life
buzzing in the branches
of the majestic  trees
that stand so protectively around you
rest  your sleepy heads back
and breathe in 
the chords of living
that are so eloquently strummed
by  the instruments of cicadas
as the  katydids and crickets
 sing in perfect unison
hear the wind
whistling so sweetly
 through the
happy tussled heads of corn
that dance and sway
in the endless fields behind you
rest in this
like you so deserve to do
 as your envious eastern cousins
hold their breath in awe.

Dale-Lyn August 2019

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