Thursday, July 12, 2018


First follow truth, and truth will follow you.
-Sri Swami Satchidananda , The Yoga sutras of Patanjali

In an article  written over a year ago, I had used a graphic from another site to illustrate a point and did so without permission from the author or illustrator.  I am responsible for that.  I had intended to reference it and I never did.  I am sorry to whomever owned the rights. 

I guess, what makes it worse is that  in my honest expression of my views about a model of thought that so many still have faith in today, I unintentionally discounted a profession that does so much good and I discounted the people who still adhere to the ideology that is the foundation for the model and the profession.  It was not my 'obvious' intention to 'hurt' but to express an opening of my own mind that took me beyond this ideology. I thought I was simply being honest.

Honesty without ill intent is necessary if we want to think and feel better; if we want the world to think and feel better. I expressed a point of view that I still adhere to strongly. I rationalize by telling myself  I was practicing 'satya'  one of the pillars of Yama in yoga and following the wisdom of Patanjali when he said, " To one established in truthfulness, actions and their results become subservient."

 I was being honest, but for the right reasons?

Patanjali also said, "If by being honest we will cause trouble, difficulty or harm to anyone, we should keep quiet." I reread the post and I see now there was still anger and resentment in my tone based on my own 'perception' of my experience with this model. My honest expression was also a venting and when we vent we often blame....whether it be done covertly or overtly, doesn't matter.  If we have any sense of grievance in our hearts when we express 'honesty' we are blaming someone or something. I was using the post to express a grievance of a past experience that has ( and still to some degree) causes me great frustration and anguish).  I was blaming the model for that and I was blaming the people who follow that model for that. Part of me wanted to hurt someone or something somewhere because I felt hurt.  It did feel good to vent was an 'ego' good though not a true Self one.  "...the ego, under what it sees as threat, is quick to cite the truth to save its lies." (ACIM W-196:2:2) I should have kept quiet!

How do I know offense led to offense?

Well ego still demands I look at the stats everyday and tells me  the usual stuff we tell ourselves, "It would be nice to see who is following and what posts they are reading?  Man, I  wrote that over a year ago...I  better run over it for grammar and writing errors, etc etc"  So I opened up for a reread. When I saw the pic was taken down I knew that someone had done  something about it.  I figured it was done because their ego was a little ticked off from finding the pic on such a post and from what I it is allowed to be.  I understand.

Venting, done to tell a story that passes blame regardless of the nature of the grievance, is not something I want to continue doing.  I want to effect change.  I want to do my part in opening the eyes and minds of others.  But I have no right to assume or judge something as wrong or right nor do I have the right to judge others for their opinions.

I learned a lesson."you will realize that to attack another is but to attack yourself." I will strive to do better in my quest for satya and Yama. Someday, I will get to where I want to be.

I wouldn't worry too much though if you find yourself somehow discredited on my site lol...few read it.  Still that is not the point, I know.  I will do better from now on.

All is well


ACIM Lesson 196

Sri Swami Satchidananda (2011) The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Yogieville: Integral Yoga Publications

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