Thursday, July 19, 2018

A Bad Translation

Stillness is the language God speaks.  Everything else is a bad translation.
-Eckhart Tolle teachings

 What's this nonsense then about stillness and presence when the world around us is obviously so busy?  Imagine being still in this world. We all have clocks and calenders in our lives...telling us where we need to be and what we need to do in the next  moment, away from this one which only has the purpose of taking us to the next one. And this idea about waking up and being more conscious, that we will become aware that we are living with a delusion in an illusion.  Are you on drugs crazy lady?

We know what is real and what isn't; we know who we are!

No, I am not on drugs but Yes, I am still a bit crazy because I am not completely awake yet. I was even crazier when I thought in the way above.  I still do from time to time. I slip.  I still find myself occasionally looking at a bad translation of truth.  Why?  Because I am not always aware of stillness.  I still get lost from time to time in this idea that I know.

The Beauty of Not Knowing

Not knowing implies that you are not thinking.  Socrates once agreed with the oracle' of Delphi's comment that he was the wisest of all men. He said he was the wisest because he was the only man who knew he knew nothing. True consciousness  or presence he believed, is the only is the essence of who we are.  He urged over and over again, Man, know thyself!   And we know by not being.

Whose Crazy?

If we are not aware of our essence...who we are...are we not crazy? Tolle describes this state of not knowing as what happens when we are in alert presence, stillness and spaciousness. When we are conscious, like Socrates was, there is access to the Being dimension within us. When we are not living in an idea, thought, belief system of who we are and are simply being that ...we are awakened.  Otherwise we are asleep.  We are crazy.

Every human being who is not yet awakened has some form of craziness within them.  Even when we are on our way to becoming enlightened we still have elements of craziness within us. When we feel ego taking over, when we get lost in the drama of world events splattered over papers and computer screens, when we define ourselves by what we do and what others think we are, when we react to the behaviours of others with defence and attack, when we find ourselves rushing and bustling our way through this moment, this here and now  just so we can get to the next one......we are slipping into unconsciousness again. And if we haven't even gotten to the point that we are aware that we are off the mark and are convinced that we know...then we are really unconscious; we are really crazy.

What's real or unreal?  They are just words, ideas. There is no knowledge found in words, images, descriptions or thought.  Those belong to ego.  And ego takes us anywhere but to the truth. It translates very poorly.

Truth can only be heard in stillness.  When we get beyond thought and ego and listen to the Divine within us.  There is no way of knowing that...only Being that.  Being that is the only thing that is important.  It is the only language that is true.  Everything else is a bad translation.

All is well.


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