Just in case you are wondering about the previous blog...no...I am not like the character in Split. Well, not really lol. I was once again speaking very figuratively. If you were popping in for the first time and concerned about all this "ego" stuff, you don't have to be. It is all good. No worries. Though I am as 'insane ' as the majority of the population, I do not have any virgins in my basement waiting to have their hearts fed to "the beast." I am just waking up and having a good look at what is real and what isn't. I see the ego twins in many of us and I comment on them.
Now, you could shake your head and think I am crazier than a bag of hammers if you need to. I am okay with that. Before you do, however, please take a look at the people around you and take a look at yourself. Do you not see any signs of a Shamer or Redeemer ego there? I bet you do.
Anyway. I am grateful for the experience yesterday and what it has taught me. It showed me that my ego twins both need a long time out. :)
It is all good.
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