Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Problems are Statistically Insignificant


If you have a problem...you have a problem.

Michael A. Singer


The only problem there is...is the thought that "I have a problem." 

The only problem is what the mind is telling you about what is unfolding in front of you...not what Life is giving you or not giving you. 

You are a speck of dust that happens to breathe, sense, think, and feel on a bigger speck of salt rotating around a star that can hold 1.3 million of this speck of salt we call Earth. You are given a tiny little crumb of Life to experience...this crumb is much, much bigger and grander than you but it is still just a crumb. ...a tiny piece of all there is to experience but man, is it magnificent! 

Yet we take this wide angle of consciousness from which we get to explore the world we are given and narrow it down even farther...down to the immediate vicinity of this speck we are...and from there to that which directly effects the inside of this speck.  Why? Because the speck is not okay inside and that light is so drawn to that okayness and anything that will make it okay. We become consumed with problems.

Why am I not okay? 

That is the question we should be asking but instead we ask, "What can I do to be okay?" . With that question directing us our focus narrows even more. We grab and cling...resist and stuff and store.  We create problems. Sigh

Anyway...that is something we need to look at.

All is well. 

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