Monday, January 27, 2025

Aim Above the Humanness

Set the polestar of your life on liberation.

Michael A. Singer

Hmm! I, for some reason, felt compelled to do the morning meditation for manifesting from Wayne Dyer when I woke up chant the "ahhh" sound while I thought of what it was I wanted to manifest.  Believe me, I have grown way past this need I had to manifest things in the material world. When I first began listening to this meditation decades ago, I used to attempt to manifest more money in my account, a resolution to my health issues, the healing of my loved ones...sigh! I don't do that anymore but as I was listening to this so called japa ( I am investigating its origins and I am not sure about it all) I was perplexed.  What is it that I want? I came up with this very short wish list: peace and healing. 

I want peace and healing. I don't need to manifest it with some made up chant but I can as Michael Singer suggests...set it as my polestar. If that is my polestar, I need to ask myself:  What does that look like? How would I measure its actualization in this life I call mine? 

Actualized Peace

Peace, I imagine, would be the sensation of being perfectly content with what was happening in me, to me, or around me. It would be a state of non-reactivity...of not being disturbed by the reality of this life while being completely in it, witnessing, participating, enjoying, and learning as I grow. It would be a feeling of being more than okay with it all.  When so called challenging things happen...peace, I imagine,  is being open to the full experience without judgment, attachment, or aversion: allowing the pain, sorrow, grief, anger, fear etc to be there...observing it, naming it, loving it, and watching as it passes through. When so called positive things happen, being open to the full experience without judgment, attachment, or aversion: allowing the happiness, the joy etc to be there...observing it, naming it, loving it, and watching as it passes through. 

Peace, I imagine, would be the polar opposite of what I am experiencing now...this suffering, this constant need to escape the "what isness" of Life; this constant low grade activation of the stress response in my body...this tension...this need to be ready to fight...or flight ...or freeze up with the next blow that my mind is telling me I must be prepared for because it will be coming.  It would be, instead, a relaxation of the body ...the kind one finds after a few minutes of savasana...a looseness, a softness, a letting go...It would be a relaxation of the mind...the ability to notice and watch the thoughts and feelings pass by like clouds over a blue sky...maintaining the Seat, attached to none of them, just recognizing them as "thinking, feeling, emoting" as they pass by. Peace would be this automatic willingness of the body and mind to accept what is ever around the corner, trusting in the innate ability to be able to handle it all. 

With peace, I imagine, I would cease to feel like an old beaten down and punch drunk fighter in the ring unsuccessfully battling against the greatest contender...Life....while the crowd boos me and throws things in at me.   I would feel, instead, supported, guided, protected, and Self...more than anyone else...not in a ring but in a beautiful field maybe surrounded by nature.

Yeah...I want peace.

Actualized Healing

I also want healing.  What does healing look like?  Healing looks like putting an end to the ghosts and monsters that have haunted me all my life...and from which I ran. My running from them was like running on a hamster getting "to" and no real escape "from". ...just exhausting running. Sigh. 

Healing I know is a deep cleansing of my insides...a release of all samskaras that block the energy flow. Peace is a part of that flow already within this being.  I want peace but in order to have peace I must get all the clutter that was stored on top of it out of the way.  I need purification and cleansing.  

How does this purification and cleansing take place? How do we heal?

We need to stop stuffing more down on top of that which we are: pure awareness. I think I am getting pretty good at doing that.  I tend not to stuff a lot on top anymore. It also means allowing the stuff that was stored in there years ago...possibly life times come up, be seen, heard, validated, loved and then released. 

That is not as easy as it seems.  These are the monsters I have spent my life running from and stuffing down that I need to allow to crawl to the surface.  My mind tells me they will eat me alive but I must look beyond my mind to that which is that which I can only touch if these monsters are out of the way.

I must allow each to make its way into my consciousness clearing a path for them while I stay in my pain, open in my fear, open in my suffering and my intention for freedom. Then I need to allow it, look deeply into how this monster was created, appreciate it, love it, and then set it free. I have to do that with each of the monsters down there if I want the channel clear for the peace to rise. Sigh.  

That is healing we all must do if we want peace and I am willing to begin! I set peace and healing, therefore liberation, as my polestar. What about you?

All is well.

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe/ Sounds True (January 27, 2025) From Attachment to Liberation: Redefining Life's Purpose.

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