Saturday, January 18, 2025

Do I have Any Business Doing What I Am Doing?

When I speak I try to convey my feelings, my insight, and I guess that there are people  that have  a heart that is not so burdened with sorrow and with anger... a heart that is still free to listen and receive the message. ...

Thich Nhat Hanh

Is anyone receiving this message from me as an imperfect messenger. 

Like Thich Nhat Hanh (on a much lesser scale lol,) that is why I come here plant some seeds (even though I still feel like I have no business planting seeds :) 

I reach out to whomever might be tapping in and I share what is becoming my truth, my dharma ( even though I still feel like I have no business doing so) 

To take the opportunity to plant some seeds  is what we could...what we should do in our everyday life. And who knows when the seed will sprout and become a real plant, a tree. 

I agree that effort should be made to start living now and I share that opinion (Though I still feel I have no business sharing my far from expert opinion with anyone.)

Effort should be made so that  the present moment is the most important in our life.  The next moment is made of this moment. So the best way to take care of the next moment is to take care of this moment. 

I am aging and it has taken me decades to get to this part of my understanding.  I am far from enlightened and in fact, I am not even sure if that is my goal.  Peace is my goal. I seek peace (Though I still feel that...because I am not a monk/nun let alone a young one... I have no business sharing that I am seeking peace on a public platform.)

The Buddha said enlightenment is not a matter of time. You should not underestimate something small like a spark of fire...a little poisonous snake...a baby prince...a young monk.  A spark of fire is very small but if you are not very careful it can burn down a whole city.  A small snake can kill you in just a few minutes. A baby Prince will become a must not under estimate him.  And a young monk...if he practices correctly, he can get enlightenment in a very short time.

I practice and I share my practice (even though I still feel I have no business sharing because I have no  idea if I am practicing "correctly".)

Despite my lack of sangha I have come to see that true happiness is peace and I share that here. (Though I still feel I have no business sharing such with you.) 

True happiness should be based on peace inside, solidity, and freedom...Happiness cannot be obtained by running after wealth, fame, sex and things like that...[When we realize this  we are closer to enlightenment than someone who doesn't.]

I attempt to "help" many suffering people close to me and am constantly failing in my attempts to show them, through my example only, a better way of looking at their lives. They cannot see the value of what I have learned and am trying to live by because their own pain is too thick to see through.  So, I come here in hope that my "hard-earned"  learning will benefit someone, if it isn't benefitting the ones physically close to me. (Though I still feel I have no business doing so.)

But there are many others who have no patience, no courage, no time for tranquility in order to listen to us....Is there anything we can do to help these people?  The presence of a loving person, the presence of someone who is able to listen, to understand is that which we need the most in our life, in our world. 

Am I helping anyone? I don't know.  I really don't. But here I am, showing up on the page doing what I feel compelled to do, anyway, whether I have any business doing so or not.

All is well.

Baba Ram Dass (November, 2024) Ram Dass & Thich Nhat Hanh/ World Forum 1995/ Full Interview Re-Mastered.

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