Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Ceasing to Be Distracted by That Which You Are Not

You are in the world doing your thing but you are not...You are literally God descended playing in His universe and you are aware of it every single second...Realization is not a do not have to defend are It.

Michael A. Singer

 I love philsophy because I love to use my thinking mind to contemplate higher ideals. Of course, the more I philosophize, the less I realize and actualize. Sigh.

Philopsphopy, according to what Michael Singer shares in the below linked podcast,  is what your mind does and truth is simply who you are. Philosophy is of the mind and truth is the experience of  reality. As I evolve I am seeking truth over a philosophy. (But I am still drawn to philosophy!) 

I have, obviously, been intrigued by yoga philosophy for many years. The yoga philosophy did not come from mind...but some very great being who sat down one day and all of a sudden had the realization that they were the one that was looking at things and not what they were looking at. This is experiencing reality directly.

You are not going to know consciousness by thinking about it or looking away from it to what it is looking at. No one can know consciousness more than you can.  Why? Because you are it

Why don't we know this consciousness that we are? Because we are distracted away from it into the drama of a self concept called "me". Our "me" is riddled with samskaras that block the realization of who we are.  We need to cleanse away these samskaras.  

Cleansing means knowing that stuff stored inside needs to come up ...don't hav eto go down to pull it up...just need to let it come up ...just let go of your stuff

That way we can become free of the distractions and instead of being pulled into the play of thought and emotion we can stay where we are and have always been: In the Seat of Consciousness.  We begin to experience truth directly.  That is yoga.

All is well.

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe/ Sounds True (December, 2024) Beyond Philosophy: Experiencing the Truth of Consciousness.

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