Nothing real can be threatened
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.
Introduction to A Course in Miracles
I need to remind myself of that over and over again. We all should. It helps to bring us back to what is real and steer us away from fear back into love. Hmm!
What is Fear. F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real. What is the creator and maintainer of the fear? Ego...this self concept we created and have come to believe we are...and that which does everything it can to convince us that our fear causes are real and out the creator an maintainer of our fear.
Michael Singer reminds us in somewhat paraphrased form,
You are not the ego. You are not the sum of your learned experiences. You are the consciousness that is aware of your psyche-the sum of your learned expereinces. You are the indwelling being inside that self concept that you pulled around yourself.
Yoganada said that the masquarading self is the ego molded by our past experiences.
Peace is our birthright. It is who we are. Yet, we are always getting disturbed.
How do we stop getting disturbed by Life and thought and emotion...all that is so statistically insignificant compared to what is real?
The peace is in knowing who we really are and who we are not as we commit to allowing this masquarading self erode away and as we let go and release all the samskara junk we stored for years. This is the only way to not get disturbed by the unreal.
All is well.
A Course in Miracles...Foundation for Inner Peace
Michael A. Singer/ Sounds True/ Temple of the Universe (January 6, 2024) The Art of Living in the Now.
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