Thursday, January 11, 2024

What We Are Truly Longing For

Without knowing it people are longing to become free of themselves...there is a longing...and this is built into the evolution of the human being. This longing for self transcendence is built into the evolution of human consciousness. Every person experiences this but they look for the solution for this longing in the wrong way, in completely the wrong places. 

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle echoes what I have been saying about the need for getting beyond the personality in the below linked video. Not that he has been listening to me and regurgitating what I say, lol, but I over the course of my long awakening, have been regurgitating what I was learning, and assimilating after  listening to him and many others. It just so happened that what I wrote in the last few weeks was echoed in this video that came out yesterday, and that I happened upon today.  All in perfect timing. You may not listen or trust what I say, (and that is truly okay) but I am sure when it comes from Tolle, it  will resonate with you. 

Self transcendence involves taking our obsessive attention away  from our conditioned focus on  what the little me, the "surface I" , the problematic personality is experiencing to what the Deeper I is experiencing.  It involves going from our obsession with focusing on thought, emotion,  word, and object to noticing the space that surrounds these things of form. It involves removing our fixation  from the clouds in the sky, so we can see the blue sky behind them. It involves recognizing that this surface I is just a little ripple on the ocean of Deeper I. It isn't who we are.

As the quote above reminds us what we really want, what we are on a mission to attain whether we know it or not, cannot be found out there.  It can only be found in here.  Many of us are trapped in this identification with the personality and spend our lives trying to serve it by getting from the outer world what we assume it needs to be comfortable and safe.  We fail to see beyond the personality which is built on thought, and that which is real and can only be experienced. Awakening is all about falling back from the grip of personality with its problems, needs and incessant the only thing that is truly real and important ..higher consciousness or what Tolle refers to often in this video as "space consciousness." 

Hmm! Have a listen.

All is well.

Eckhart Tolle (January 10, 2024) Transcending the Ego for Lasting Fulfillment/ Eckhart Tolle Wisdom.

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