Saturday, January 27, 2024

Space Inside the Cup?


In order to learn about Zen, you must first empty your cup.

Zen Koan

There is an old story, relayed by Tolle and many others, about a university professor, well studied and versed in the Buddhist sutras and texts, who wanted to learn more about Zen from an actual Master. He visited Nan-in for an interview.

He was graciously invited in and, as was Japanese tradition, offered tea which he accepted somewhat reluctantly. He really just wanted Nan-in to jump in right away to give him more knowledge about this ancient Buddhist tradition that had become his learning obsession. But not wanting to offend his host, he sat himself down on the floor beside Nan-in and waited for Nan-in to pour the tea. Nan-in pulled up his long sleeve, picked up the steaming kettle, and began to pour tea into the professor's cup. He poured, and poured, and poured. Before long the tea, much to the professor's astonishment, was pouring over the side of the cup. Just as the tea was pouring over the saucer and onto the bamboo pad  beneath it, the professor shouted, "Stop! Can't you see the cup is full?  It can't hold anymore." 

Nan-in quietly and gracefully put down the kettle and turned to the  professor, "Yes", Nan-in said."It is just like your mind. It is too full.  It is flowing over.  In order for me to teach you Zen, you must first empty your cup."  


How empty is your mind right now? Is it as full of thoughts, ideas, beliefs, assumptions, judgments, doctrine, dogma and learning as mine is? Most of our minds are already too full of information  to absorb more. Yet, many of us are on a never-ending quest for more knowledge to stuff into these minds. We fail to realize, we can not truly learn anything new ...especially about Zen, which is the understanding of Shunyata or emptiness/spaciousness....until we empty our minds to make more space in there.  Spirituality, in fact, is all about removing mind stuff...not adding to it.

Let's make space inside for what is truly important.

Hmm!  Anyway, love this little tale that Eckhart Tolle shared today.

All is well. 

Eckhart Tolle ( January, 2024) The Journey to Spiritual Awakening: Beyond Thinking.

Ariel and Shyla Kane/Inspire Me Today ( November, 2014) The Zen Master and the College Professor: Letting Go of What You "Know".

Gloveworx (March, 2017) The Story of a Simple Cup of Tea.

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