Monday, January 22, 2024

Particularly Efficient Publishing Technology?

 Blogging is just writing-writing using a particularly efficient  type of publishing technology.

Simon Dumenco

Particularly Efficient?

I don't know about that.  It is efficient for writing, offering a quick way of getting ideas down and out there but for reaching readers? I don't know.  Well, at least not in my case and truth be told I do little here but the writing.  I am not actively trying to promote this blog. It is all on me.

Numbers spiking in the stats page, but only one viewer in the google analytics page. What do these bots do?  Do they take material? ( Why would they take material lol?) or are they just searching and crawling?  I have a lot of entries showing up that because of this one person truly doing a read through of my blog?  Or is it bot activity randomly creeping?  The big numbers are from Singapore again and that is not showing up on Google...the second biggest is "Other" and I don't know how that would show up on Google. Then there is the random reader who may be actually reading...or maybe not? ...showing up on Google. How does one determine the publishing efficiency of the blogging experience ?  And does it matter?

I guess, my question is, how does one determine if the publishing technology is not only inefficient, but unwholesome for the writer.  Is it possible, as I ask every time I see this spike in numbers...that something less than wholesome is happening and I should do something to protect my material? Well, I know it is mine and I can prove it in a flash if it comes to copy right infringement but...I don't want to have that thought in my head as I come here everyday.  I just want to write lol. This is not the type of stuff a scraper would want is it? I don't is all confusing to me. 

Regardless...beautiful day out there.  And I open up and come here every morning, regardless of the efficiency of this technology. 

All is well

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