Friday, January 12, 2024

Sitting in the Deeper Seat

Spirituality is simply sitting in a deeper seat within and observing Life from can anything be a problem...all that is asked of you is to be aware of don't have to do anything...everything is happening by itself ...

Michael A. Singer (Somewhat paraphrased)

Hmm!  I want to remove the woo-woo from the word spiritual.  I have always had a bit of a problem with the connotation that people tend to attach to that word. They either see it, (and the person who talks about it),  as religious, (even evangelical).  And they, if they are not religious, or evangelical, shut down and resist. Even if they are religious, they judge the person talking about the spiritual  as being blasphemous or crazy  if what they are saying differs greatly from the doctrine or dogma of their religion. Or they see "spirituality"  as referring to the supernatural, magical, and mystical..,dealing only  with things that are "non-scientific miracles"  like astro-projection, talking to ghosts, or reading people's energies. I am not saying these things are not possible...not at all ...but they do not define the word spirituality,

 Spirituality is just a word used to describe something that isn't woo-woo or "mambo-jumbo" as Singer, in the below video describes the way it is erroneously thought of as. It is simply the process of viewing the world and experiencing Life from from a deeper seat of consciousness, from a higher awareness. It isn't restricted to  supernatural phenomena  It takes place in the everyday natural world. It isn't a one time happenstance  experience.  It is an everyday practice of developing a greater understanding. A so called "spiritual" person  is simply committed to observing the outerworld and the inner world and noticing how the two are relating. 

They ask these questions: 

"What is happening inside this " me",  when that is happening outside this "me"?  Why? "

"What is happening outside of this "me", when this happens inside this "me"? Why? "

Yoga is a spiritual practice that isn't woo-woo or "mambo-jumbo".  It is not there to teach you how to leave your body so you can float around the room ( though it could lol...but a true yogi doesn't seek those powers or cittis).  It is to teach you to live peacefully  and with a sense of Oneness. It is going to teach you to live life freely, undisturbed by any of you allow it to be exactly what it is. It can show us that Life is not the problem, how we respond to it is. And if we learn to stop reacting and resisting it...we can be at peace and be free. 

Spirituality is a solution to the problematic way of living like we have to fix, control and do so much in order to find peace inside.  It teaches us we do not have to do anything but "be" as we observe and experience  this amazing and miraculous Life we have been given. 

All is well! 

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( January 12, 2024) Seeing Past It All.

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