Brace yourself
as you wobble uneasily
on this ever-shifting
horizontal plane.
when your own busy
and chaotic mental noise
boom-a rangs back to you,
vibrating with your joy,
your laughter
your sorrow
and your pain
on fear-made shields
and weapons
thrown out by
your own hands.
Then push and swat away
the unpleasant reality
of existence here
on this
ever-changing line,
you attempt
so awkwardly
to balance on.
Hold tightly
to that which can
keep you stable,
to that which
perches precariously
and so very briefly,
on each end of the long pole
you cling so desperately to.
Hold your breath
as these pleasantries,
and accolades
land so sweetly,
making you sigh in relief
before disappearing
to leave you tottering again
above all their upturned eyes.
Watch as the ghostly lessons
and voices of your past
bounce off this wire
of circumstance,
feel that energy
moving through you
making you tremble
with tension
until it reaches its source
which hums so busily
between the eyes you insist
see all there is to see.
Close those eyes
to this world
of comings and goings
that threaten to make you slip
into the endless depth below.
Focus on precious
grounding breath
to keep you balanced.
Then look again
with the internal vision
you have been given.
See the vertical line
that has always
been before you,
the plane that intersects
this wobbly one
you are attempting,
oh so desperately,
to balance on.
Look up to see that
its end cannot be seen
and look down
to see the peace that
awaits you there.
Let go of the pole
you cling to.
Reach out to grab
this line instead.
Feel the perch
beneath your feet
becoming stable
and unmoving
as you allow
yourself to slide down
into all there is.
Rest your weight
on this vertical line
so few tight rope walkers
remember or seek to know.
Find stillness and peace
in this intersecting plane
and this horizontal one
on which you stand
will be so much easier
to balance on.
© Dale-Lyn 2020
Oh wow! Not good, lol. This one was insisting on coming out. Started it yesterday after I listened to the below videos from Eckhart Tolle...but I spat and sputtered with a rhyme scheme the poem seemed to be insisting on. And after a few hours, I said, "This is crazy!" and I walked away. I came back to it today and this came out instead. I think the message is good???!! Lol if nothing else. ( I need to remind myself of Hamlet's words: Nothing is either bad or good but thinking makes it so. :))
All is well!
Eckhart Tolle (May, 2020) The Futility of Egoic Reaction and Navigating Our Awakening.
Eckhart Tolle ( April, 2020) Transcending Fear
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