The first obstacle that peace must flow across is your desire to get rid of it.
Say what crazy lady?
I know I have been telling you that peace is what we truly want and now I am telling you that the only reason we don't have it is because we don't want it. It sounds crazy.
What I am trying to impart ( why, how and from where I don't know lol) is that peace is what we really want though it isn't what we think we want. The problem is the thinking and the mind that ego uses to draw us away from peace. Peace is within us as it always was and it 'ain't going anywhere'. Ego knows that and it doesn't want us to accept that!
It is ego that doesn't want peace. It needs drama and chaos and striving and doing to survive...Take all that away and simply find what is in you, what has always been in you...and where will ego be? As long as we identify with ego...we "edge-God-out" as Wayne Dyer would say. We push peace away. We attempt to get rid of it. Ego is actually convinced that "we can" get rid of peace as long as we keep thinking, striving, doing, grasping for "more". We may in this mad rush of insanity "forget" about the peace within, forget about "God"...but that doesn't mean It isn't there.
We actually spend most of our lives resisting and attempting to get rid of the one thing we truly want. Now that is crazy.
Once we decide to refuse to follow our monkey minds, our ego urgings and instead be willing to receive the peace that is already in us...this obstacle will become like a feather attempting to hold back the great wings of truth. (ACIM:T:19:IV:A.:9:1) Peace will flow across it, and join you without hindrance. (ACIM:T:19:IV:A.:4:6)
This ego identification really doesn't get us anywhere but down. It doesn't give us what we truly want nor does it protect us from it. We just believe it can and will. Once we put down that distorted belief and open ourselves up to willingly create a home for peace...we will find what we are truly wanting.
Would you not rather greet the summer sun than fix your gaze upon a disappearing snowflake, and shiver in remembrance of the winter's cold? ACIM:T:19:IV:A.:9:6
A life of peace is the summer sun and the winter's cold is all ego can offer us. What would you prefer?
All is well.
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