Spirituality is about noticing what you mind is doing and noticing that it ain't too healthy.
Michael Singer
I have been struggling to meditate lately with a clear and empty mind. I get pulled into thoughts about all the drama going on oustide me and inside me so quickly. I catch myself and say" Just a thought" "Just thinking" and I ask the question, "Who is thinking these thoughts?" "Who am I?" I might find a second or two of shunyata before I am pulled back into a thought stream again. My addiction to thinking is pretty prevalent in my life right now. This "drama" induced thinking is so powerful. I do forget that I am not the personal mind that creates this type of thinking. I become the character in life's drama.
I know thoughts are just thoughts, and 'personal'' human events...regardless of how intense they might seem...are just statistically insignificant. Yet, this drama playing out in front of me is so compellling...so well scripted and orchestrated to draw my personal mind into it...that I get lost in character both when I am facing the events in present time and when I am thinking about them in future and past tense. I forget that I am simply playing a role here. I forget that I am just the actor and not the tragic heroine in this play. I really get lost in character. Hmm! Everything seems so real and so tragic.
I miss "empty mind" moments. I miss being the actor enjoying playing this role. I miss being in the Seat of Consciousness. I am still able to be the "witness" for a while but there is state of being that exists beyond the witness consciousness that I long to reconnect to. It is a struggle to get back to it. Personal thinking mind is just so powerful right now...it is hard to seperate from it.
I had a quick visualization last evening during my practice. I saw myself sitting in meditation like a well lit lamp and then I watched as this cloudy veil or shade kind of descended over the light dimming it...making everything foggy. I realized that who I am at the core level is light but this focus on thought and life event is veiling that light of who I am. It is dimming the experience of peace.
Why is this veil so thick right now?
I have fear in my heart. Fear is of ego...of this veil or shade...and it makes us forget who we are. I have fear over what the people we have been dealing with...lead by one toxic personality...will do next. My body is actually in fight or flight.
I had another visualization...or maybe it was a dream (I only remember waking up with it in my head)...of a large cement culvert around a large deep and dark hole. The rim of the culvert was fairly narrow and challenging to walk around. My son and I were needing for some reason to circle this culvert to prove something to someone. We had to make so many circles around to prove ourselves...and it was deterimental that we did. But there they were standing and watching. This one toxic person ( the ring leader of the family, someone I once thought of as a friend) began pouring oil all over the cement in an attempt to make it slippy so we would fall in. We cannot stop to stop her because we have to make so many circles in order to prove ourselves. We try to tell those that are ordering us to complete these circles what she is doing but they don't care. We still need to make our circles and it is sooo slippy. My son, who is walking in front of me, slips on the oil and I reach out to grab him, losing my own balance, before the dream or visualization ends.
This is just a fear-created thought but it weighs so heavy on me. I felt so much in that visualization or dream: powerlessness, fear, worry for my son, desperation, the injustice of it, the complete disbelief over how far humans will go for control, and hate.
It is a very negative thought and it haunts me. I pay attention to it. I focus on it. It pulls me in and it pulls me down. It pulls me away from empty mind and I begin to believe it, instead of the peaceful center, is my reality. I begin to believe this character I am playing in this drama is who I am...a victim whose destiny is controlled by a villian.
Man...what do you do with that?
I need to remind myself that it is just the personal mind that is talking, not who I really am. It is my ego not my soul. And the drama created by this mind is only real to egos.
Syncronistically, I listened to Michael Singer today talk about this. In somewhat paraphrased form this is what I heard:
You are in there noticing what the mind is saying= witness consciousness= witnessing the mind instead of being the mind. You are the consciousness experiencing what the ego is doing
You are so attached to staring at the personal mind...Ego is like a little computer program running constantly inside the mind...built on past experiences and the development of preferences and aversions
Thought patterns are built in a tiny part of the infinite mind...
We need to examine our relationship with our mind...we are not our personal mind...it is just a copulation of things we collected and stuffed on top of this field of energy we call mind and we identified with these things
We created a self concept...and a self concept is not who we are...it is just something we made up in our mind to define this 'self'
We need to just stop listening and put our attention somewhere else...We don't have to listen to what personal mind says...
We need to learn there is always peace inside despite the fact we have this ego and we need to stop feeding it...
Mind tends toward negative thinking...so positive thinking can be a helpful distraction from the negative mind's effect
If you are filled with joy it doesn't matter so much what happens
I would rather feel love than fear
Soul birth= the release of samskaras that block the flow of Sat Chit Ananda
Hmm! I would rather feel love than fear. I would rather be free of any blockages that pollute and disrupt the flow of peace and love within me.
This experience of life events is helping me to release some old blockages so I can get pure and clean again. I see what my mind is doing and I know I don't have to listen to it. This personal mind is not who I am. It is just something I am addicted to. It is time to get sober.
You can get more stinkin with thinking than you ever can with drinking ...
All is well.
Michael A. Singer ( November, 2024) The Mind Unveiled. From Addiction to Awareness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiQY5WknNOY&list=PLyOuAoSmZkKoESr2acNWwhznusbBkKXsT&index=9