Once the awakening happens, with it comes the realization that suffering is unnecessary now. You have reached the end of suffering because you have transcended the world. It is the place that is free of suffering. This seems to be everybody's path. Perhaps it is not everybody's path in this lifetime, but it seems to be a universal path. Even without a spiritual teaching or a spiritual teacher, I believe that everyone would get there eventually. But that could take time.
Eckhart Tolle.
Before listening to Michael Singer's podcast
I was meditating today and the word pratyahara kept being repeated in my mind. I had not reached pratyahara. I was not withdrawing completely from the senses and what they were taking in during my practice. I seldom am lately but the word pratyahara was there asking me to acknowledge it and to remember it. I knew, somehow, that Michael Singer was going to mention that word, as well as the other two limbs above it, the next time I heard him speak. I was also reminded during my less than single pointed meditation of the poem I wrote a few days ago, "Reflections in the Glass" and I questioned if what I wrote about in that poem would be mentioned the next time I heard him speak, as well.
Before I meditated, I was also trying to name all the "ascended beings" or beings I knew that were, at least, in the process of waking up. I wanted to focus on those I knew who were once scientists or academics, be they alive or dead. I was seeking those with a "science" background or scholarly knowledge" to validate the reality of what I have been experiencing lately...for where I am at this point on this journey of waking up. If a renown scientist or scholar was suddenly realizing what I am realizing, I told myself, maybe I am not a "kook" afterall. Once I recalled them and began to meditate, I found myself asking for their guidance. Who did I think about and in an odd way reach out to for guidance? Those alive: Michael Singer (PhD Economics/College Professor/Very successful business owner), Matthieu Richard(PhD molecular genetics), Eckhart Tolle (undergrad in Languages/Philosophy...enrolled in a postgraduate at Cambridge but did not complete?), Deepak Chopra ( Internal Medicine in Endocrinolgy/ University Professor) ( Names are few here because I have trouble trusting the sincerity of intention in a lot of the alive teachers). Those that are no longer in body: Thich Nhat Hanh (Buddhism, Languages, Education), Gandhi (Law) , Mother Teresa(Nursing), Ram Dass(PhD in Psychology/University Professor)), Alan Watts (PhD Theology/Philosophy/ University Professor) , Wayne Dyer (PhD Psychology/ University Professor), Vivekananda ( absolutely everything), Yogananda (and his Gurus), Rama Krishna, Maharishi, MeherBaba...SengT san (the third zen patriarch) and of course, the Buddha and Christ. (So, so many more). All these individuals were learned in way or another. They have/had respect for science and or the other fields in academics! Yet, they can or could see beyond our conditioned way of viewing the world to something deeper. I am now seeking the Simething Deeper. I want to equate my journey with theirs to some degree ( though I do not have a PhD behind my name.). Hmm! In essence, I was wondering if I could actually get help from these Masters. Many traditions suggest that if we pray to or request support from such wise teachers or saints for guidance in our everyday life we would get it. I was wondering if that was possible.
During the Podcast
Anyway, during the podcast , Singer spoke about pratyahara. He also said "the reflection in the mirror" is not who we are. And then he promised that if we were doing the work of cleaning out our insides, our samskaras..."every master will be there to help you."
Many Teachers Are Still Waking Up
Also in the podcast, Singer makes a distinction between waking up and being fully enlightened. I am really not sure where he is at on this journey. He does not profess to be enlightened or a "very high being" but he does talk in great deal about "waking up" and teaching and writing what he writes for that reason. I can relate to that. I have been in the process of waking up for many years but I have yet to be "enlightened"...immersed into the ocean of consciousness etc. I began to realize decades ago that the way I was processing life from the outside in, rather than from the inside out, was not working. I knew I needed to go inward, examine what was there, and deal with it...thus the beginning of my true yoga practice. I am not sure if what I do here is actually "teaching" but I share my experience and my learning as I wake up. Learning what I am learning and sharing it has become more important to me than anything else.
When I listen to Michael Singer, therefore, I feel like I can truly relate. He mentions, though, that he has made connection with the flow of Shakti. I have yet to break through a very thick Samskara layer and to truly feel free flowing Shakti within me. And though I see him more as a like minded individual than my guru...I am aware he is farther along this path than I am and therfore I do look to him for guidance. I deeply respect his mission and his message. I respect him of the carrier of it. I include him amongst the many on my list that I seek help from when I meditate and when I make each moment of my life a part of the practice.
It is always beneficial to be near a spiritual teacher. These masters are like gardens or medicinal plants, sanctuaries of wisdom. In the presence of a realized master, you will rapidly attain enlightenment. In the presence of an erudite scholar, you will acquire great knowledge. In the presence of a great meditator, spiritual experience will dawn in your mind. In the presence of a bodhisattva, your compassion will expand, just as an ordinary log placed next to a log of sandalwood becomes saturated, little by little, with its presence.
Dilgo Khyentse.
All is well.
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( February 25, 2024) Coming to Peace with the Voice in Your Head. https://tou.org/talks/
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