When the ego weeps for what it has lost, the Spirit rejoices for what it has found.
Sufi proverb
Do you see how wonderful loss is yet?
I can actually say, in all honesty, that I am grateful for my recent losses. I am grateful that I have lost some of my perceived physicality, my ability to work in a job I loved, my professional designation, my income, that sense of financial stability I once depended on, the recognition I once enjoyed and most importantly the sense of identification I had with these things.
Say what???
It was ego's weeping that brought me to the "inevitability of is..." as Tolle describes it. I have finally gotten to the point in my Life where I am no longer thinking, "No! This should not be." ...but..."It is as it is."
I see that these situations do not make or break my life. It is what my mind is saying about them that does that. I may not be able to control what life hands out but I can control what my mind says about it. I want a healthy relationship with my Life as it is right now in this moment. That is what is important to me. All the stuff ego sees as loss...is just that "stuff.' It is not my Life.
I would never have realized the insignificance of that stuff until I lost it. I would never have realized the importance of "being" over "doing" if things didn't happen the way they did. I would have still been stuck in ego dominated thinking and doing if Life didn't present what it did to me.
Life is not meant to make us comfortable. It is meant to challenge us. Life is unpredictable...nothing of this material world will last forever. Loss is inevitable. (Tolle, 2018). And it is all okay.
I choose to rejoice in what my spirit has found...the moment; rather than weep over what ego perceives as loss.
All is well
Eckhart Tolle (2018) Getting Beyond Thinking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgos7QmJ_DQ
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