Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Relax and Release

No matter what events take place in life, it is always better to let go rather than to close.
Michael Singer, the untethered soul, page 67

If we are going to depend on words to support our experiences (and let's face it most of us will be thought and word junkies while we tramp through this planet), there are two valuable words we can use as guide posts: Relax and Release.  I have talked about these concepts from the beginning of this blog and there are so many others who do so as well, much more eloquently and much more read than I will ever be able to.


When I think of the sound advice offered by Michael Singer and so many others: "Relax".  I think of this little video I did a year ago on the need to de-stress and put an end to the low grade stress response that is taking over so many of our lives.  I strongly believe that most disease/dis-ease is a result of an inability or refusal to "relax". 

Many of us spend our lives contracted and tense as we stay stuck in low grade stress responses.   This stress often comes from building  defenses around ourselves to protect us from Life.  We are on a mission to protect some illusion we have of ourselves from all that is "out there" that may harm it.  We cling to ideas, we build walls , we defend , we attack, we hope for some validation in special relationships and we seek to fill in holes we assume we have in us.  We see relaxation as a 'sin" almost and force ourselves to do, do and do.

Man that takes so much energy to do that...and what do we get from all our hard work?  Are we able to cling and stop "bad" things from happening?  Absolutely not.  We just get stressed out, burned out or sick.    Believe me, I know from my own experiences.


This is the biggy.  If we really want to relax and be happy and peaceful as we were meant to be....we need to release.  We need to release and let go of our resistance to Life.  We need to release and let go of our attachment to things and stuff that will never make us happy.  We need to release and let go of illusions we cling to about who we are and what the world owes us.  We need to release and let go of our walls that are not protecting us, but smothering us. We need to release resistance.

Most of our unhappiness is a result of our resistance to this moment.  Life is this moment so we resist what it offers us because it is not as we assume it should be...we resist Life.  How contracted, how bound up, how blocked and miserable that makes us.

Release  resistance and let Life do what Life does.  Accept the moment as it is and learn to embrace it...for that is the true secret to happiness.

All is well in my world.


Singer, Michael. (2007) the untethered soul. New York: New Harbinger.

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