Friday, October 11, 2024

The Practice of Handling Reality

What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I woke up thinking about reality.  I was thinking of "this human's" ability to handle it at times, and its inability to handle it at others.  I see now when  this wonderful expanded consciousness within this body and mind is pulled down to lower energy things and when it is focusing up and away from the lower energy.  Two totally different experiences. 

In the first scenario, Life seems to be pollutted with problems and negative things. Consciousness is pulled down and identifies with what it is watching. I see myself as the problematic self then  and I feel afraid, insecure, depressed.   I feel  down. I resist reality.   In the second scenario,  I see nothing but the beauty of this Life experience, allowing and honoring all of it. There is no good or bad...just Life with all its contrasting colours. This human feels "up" or at least not so identified with lower energy, with what is going on. "I am", at those times,  moving towards a higher experience.
Which do you think is the most life affirming way to live Life? Being stuck with face down in the mud or standing on a mountain summit with face turned up towards the sun?    I much prefer it when I am not distracted by lower energy. I much prefer it when I am allowing reality to be as it is, when I am accepting and appreciative of all of it. I much prefer the higher energy.

So why do I still get pulled down into the lower energies when Life hands me these multiple things to handle all at once?  Why do I resist and say things to myself like, "This isn't fair. I don't know what to do here to make this better.  I wish thisng were different.?"This amazing consciousness of "I am" still gets pulled down into lower energy things. It still reacts in an unwholesome way to Life. 

I know what I want and need.  I want to learn to accept reality. To allow and appreciate all of it.  I am so tired of building my life around catering to the lower energy vibrations. I want to keep my focus up.  That is why I practice yoga. It is obvious, then, that this practice I have committed myself to is a life-long learning journey. Hmm!

This is what I heard today related to this thought topic from listening to Michael A. Singer
  •  God is everything...and everything is everything
  • Lower vibrations are just slower vibrations
  • All of Creation is God...from the unmanifest (higher vibration) to the grossest manifetsed...(lower vibration)
  • It is easy for the lower vibration to bring the higher vibration down...draws consciousness down
  • Depression is a very, very low vibration of energy that a person identifies with
  • Depression is a down slope we might is not who you are.
  • Spirituality is not about getting rid of the low vibrations. They too are a part of God. The goal is simply to just observe and participate to some degree in these energy flows before letting them pass through
  • "I dont wan't to be distracted by this....I do not want to devote my life to the lowest vibration rates inside me, any longer."
  • Most of us are devoting life to distracting self from self...
  • Consciousness is distracted by the lowest thing going on...because it is often the noisiest.
  • Resisting is the yogic term for suppression.
  • The answer to Life's so called problems is not in getting what you want so the garbage inside doesn't get disturbed. The answer is getting rid of the garbage. 
  • You do not need to manipulate life.
  • The life of spirituality is never about getting what you want and avoiding what you dont want. It is about allowing Life to be Life...reality to be as it is without resistance. 
  • What are you doing with your mind?  You are allowing the lowest vibration rates to distract your consciousness. 
  • You are resisting reality.
  • Reality cannot be wrong because it is reality
  • "I want to learn to handle reality!" Is the mantra of the yogi: person wanting to go deeper. 
  • Your job is to honor and respect that things will unfold in front of you...if you can't handle it, then that thing  is for your growth.
  • You are welcome to change the level of how you interact with things. 
  • Instead of beating up self when it pulls Self down, take self by the hand outside to explore the galaxy.
  • When you see yourself condemning self...when you see yourself frightened or afraid...reach down and hug that self that self , be self's mother...(Self -compassion is as important to yoga as it is to psychology).
  • Observe yourself when you fear failure. Ask, "What is failure?"  Failure is the inability to handle reality....success is the ability to handle reality.
  • Participate in Life fully without concern for outcome. The result is not what matters...what matters is doing the best that you can and honoring what comes back when you do.
  • Yoga is a practice of handling reality...
There is so much energy flowing inside of you, you couldn't handle it until you learned to...That is what happens when you stop being drawn down to negative energies. You are a great being.

All is well.

Michael A. Singer/ Sounds True/ Temple of the Universe ( September, 2024) Overcoming Lower Vibrations and Embracing Spiritual Freedoms.

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