Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Action and Intention

 Action must be simultaneous with intention

In order to stop building up Karma quickly and effeciently action must be simultaneous with intention.  It can't be premediated because as soon as you think about it...the 'devil' will find out and man or man is all h # ll going to break out lol. 

I listened to that form Alan Watts as I meditated ...once again...over the question, "Why are so many challenging things always showing up in my life at the same time? Is this my karma?"   

Ass soon as one starts to commit to cleaning up the inside house...that is when the s*%t hits the fan. So the more things that show up for me to deal with the better?  Well, at least I am telling myself that it is a sign I am on the right path lol 

And I just have to learn to go with the flow and act without concern for outcome. Hmm!

Will think more on that one.

All is well in my world. 

Alan Watts ( )...I heard these words on spotify but when I looked up some of teh quotes I found this site that transcribed that podcast...go figure.

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