Monday, May 6, 2019

Waiting? Snap out of it!

Give up waiting as a state of mind. When you catch yourself slipping into waiting, snap out of it. Come into the present moment. Just be and enjoy being.
-Eckhart Tolle

Ironically, that was my quote of the day after I wrote that last entry on waiting.  Go figure. 

I understand where Tolle is coming from.  Many of us are in a perpetual state of waiting.  We wait for something 'better' to come along in the future or in some cases, something ominous.  We wait for this present moment to be over. "Things will be better when I get this, that person shows up, this thing happens or that thing goes away."  Or if we are on a neurotic binge: "I need to prepare for when this , that or the other thing happens. I need to find a way to control it, fix it, run from it etc."

He wasn't actually referring to the waiting in a waiting room...which can, by the way, be a very mindful present moment experience as it was for us the other day. He was speaking about the mental waiting most of us do when we live in our minds and project into the future.  Waiting can be an attempt to escape the present moment.  Escaping the present moment takes us away from Life in this moment...the only Life there actually is. You know that all there is is now, right?  The past is just a wake left behind us and the future is just a mental projection that never 'is'. All that now.

So we need to put away our need to cling to the past and project into the future. We need to snap out of our habit of waiting, come into the present moment and enjoy being.

All is well in my world.

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