Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Music of Spring

Bees now buzzing, brightly sing,
with the chirping birds they bring,
Nature's pleasing music near,
sounds of spring found full of cheer.
-from a poem by Dwayne Leon Rankin, found on http://www.voicesnet.com/displayonepoem.aspx?poemid=170487

What I love most about a spring morning is the music.  I sit outside with my tea and I  close my eyes. I just listen to life vibrating all around me.  I hear the melody of a misfit choir of birds: robins, chickadees, sparrows, ducks, geese, flickers, morning doves  and crows. I hear the chatter of angry squirrels and the warnings of dogs barking in the distance. I hear the buzz of flying insects and the breeze through branches still waiting to bud and blossom.  There is a comforting hum of traffic and machinery way in the distance. It is such a beautiful sound of Life.

 I just close my eyes and I listen.  I try not to name the sounds I am hearing like I just did here.  I just try to hear them, feel them, be with them and I, like the world around me, wake up and  become alive.  It is a nice way to meditate in the morning.

All is well in my world.

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