The higher your energy level, the more efficient the body. The more efficient the body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.
-Tony Robins (
Energy and the Body
What Anthony Robins is saying in the above quote is so true. If we feel energetic, we feel better and the more we can do to fulfill our purpose here.
The last two days for whatever reason...I felt more energetic and I embraced that energy to do what I love to do. I even did another video and had more pep as I spoke about what is important to me. I was energetic in the classroom yesterday...I even did the stairs more than usual ( I realized that wasn't a good idea but I did them anyway :)...The energy renewal was telling me I could do anything. I believed it.
I got home and I had enough energy left to tidy up, do dishes and cook supper for everyone ( which I usually am not able to do.) I felt good!
Then suddenly ...without a balloon that was suffering a sudden pin prick...the energy just slipped right out of me and I was left completely deflated. I could do nothing...not even eat. I was so disappointed...especially when I realized my throat was wicked sore and I had a fever on top of that. I succumbed to the belief in illness
Lesson Learned
It is true. It is so important to rejuvenate with keep ourselves up vibrationally as much as we can. In these bodily forms, from starts in the mind and is transferred to the body. If we keep in touch and open to the Source of all energy, work on our thinking to the point it is ready to receive ...we will feel more energetic and then we will feel better...emotionally and then physically. The mind does have power over the body.
Yet within us, are conditioned and collective beliefs so strong and prevalent about illness and sickness, that complicate the process. It is the beliefs we need to change because like the sharp ends of a pin they have the ability to limit our realities and deflate our possibilities even when we are feeling good.
I have no doubt I will be able to some day get beyond my physical limitations but it is a process that requires certain steps to be taken. Yesterday I felt good because I was ignoring my belief system. I skipped a step... of actually facing and reconstructing my beliefs.
We can't skip this step. The belief will resurface even if we are not aware of it and the body will respond with illness. So I was seemingly getting beyond my cardiac symptoms yesterday but my an attempt to teach...gave me the flu...and what came with that...more cardiac symptoms...palpitations like you wouldn't believe.
Today I am completely wiped. This is the low energy version of me I will be giving to my students today.
The Point
We really need to change our belief system at the deepest level. We need to believe that we have the power to effect our vibrations ...which we that wellness is all we know.
If we don't truly believe isn't going to happen. If we will.
Let's collectively learn to accept this truth in the very core of our subconscious minds so we all feel better.
All is well in my world!
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