The absence of suffering is happiness, just as the absence of darkness is light.
-Thich Nhat Hanh (peace is every breath, page 97)
I have been thinking a little more on making the distinction between the foreground and back ground of our lives. We make this distinction only so we learn...eventually there will be no need to separate anything.
This is what I came up with. I hope it helps.
of Life
of Life
· Secondary dimension, horizontal dimension , doing dimension where Ego dominates:
See Self as Our personalities; Our bodies; Our
Dream State
All that is visible
Shallow and superficial
Dense, consisting of form
Lower consciousness
Dependent on the five sense for determination
of what is real
noisy and chaotic
temporary and constantly changing
can be reduced to and described with mental
concepts and words
Fear rules here
Dangerous and unsafe
Dependent on concepts like past and future
at the mercy of circumstance
a sense of separation with borders and body
“I”…”me” “my” and “mine”
Reactions occur from this place
Promotes Contraction and retraction
Illusion can be found here
Birth and Death can be found here
Suffering or dukkha
· Primary dimension ('e'),
vertical dimension, being dimension where Spirit, soul, Purusa, Buddha-Nature ( call it
what you wil) dominates
See Self as so much more
Awakened state
All that cannot be seen…Invisible
Of great infinite depth
Empty, formless, spacious
Higher consciousness
Sees reality beyond the five senses
Quiet and still
Eternal and changeless
Nameless and beyond understanding with thought
Love rules here
Peaceful and calm
Dependent on the present moment, the only place
it can exist…timeless
Beyond circumstance
No borders, no body lines…just One Union one
Response occurs from this place
Promotes Expansion
Truth can be found here
Life can be found here
Beyond suffering or dukkha
All is well.