Friday, March 15, 2019

It is better to leave a vessel unfilled, than  it is to attempt to carry it when it is full
Lao Tzu

Four O'Clock in the morning and it looks like it is going to be another sleepless night....that song comes to mind whenever I lay awake around this time. I don't mind sleeplessness too much as long as I have the opportunity to give into my need to write. Aren't most writers insomniacs?

Sigh... I have  a lot on my mind...besides how frustrating it is to try to write on an IPad.

We have a loved one going for major surgery tomorrow and his life is literally dependent on the success of this surgery.  Then there is one major recovery after another to follow. We can't look that far ahead though. Just one day at a time.  And on this day I am awake at four in the morning thinking about him, his father and a loved one at home who is still struggling and I am sad.  I am sad but I am accepting.  Acceptance is an amazing thing.  It simply is what it is..are words that heal.

The last few days I got to know him all over again...I mean really know him beneath all that junk that gets in the way. How beautiful and amazing people are when they are stripped down to their most precious vulnerable states. Then I watched amazing medical and nursing staff do what they do...reaching in beyond all the outer stuff and seeing and treating him 'wholly'and my heart just got so much bigger ( not in the bad we don't need another case of cardiomegaly to deal with). I have faith in humanity again. :)

I read verse nine of the Tao... So beautiful. Lighten the load by not clinging or attempting to have everything. That is reassuring advice being that my vessel is pretty darned empty. What is important is breath and life.  I pray that it continues for that lovely young man tomorrow and that he is able to transcend the challenges heal in all the ways he needs to that he can someday help lighten the load of someone else.

All is well because it simply is what it is.

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