Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Thank you


If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. 

Meister Eckhart

Well I have the new Google analytics up and running and those spikes in numbers of views are not legitimate lol.  Rational Mind knew that but there was a tiny remnant of ego in me that wanted to believe they were real and that I was suddenly becoming popular. I was even looking into amortization. I had this thought...Maybe I can get paid for doing what I love to do here.  Wow. Wouldn't that be cool.  

I am not as awake as I thought I was. I am still caught up in desire and still caught up in an ego...focusing on its likes and dislikes....assuming the answer to my financial woes, and the key to  happiness can be found in some form of writing notoriety. And I thought I was so far beyond all that.  I didn't come here to get thousands of readers...just enough to know I was fulfilling the writing cycle.  I didn't come here to become a renown teacher; I just needed a venue to share what I am learning in.  

 I am not done yet, I guess. I am still clinging to things, to desire, to  a tiny expectation that Life should be different than it is, that the way it is isn't enough. This was a wonderful little lesson on the impermanence of those things the ego  seeks in hope they will fulfill us. It was also a good lesson on the unreal vs the real. Even if those stats were true...what I assumed they would give me could never be real.  Readers come in and they go...just as notoriety does...just as a money does.  Not that there is anything wrong with having these things...there isn't . We do not need to renounce and say "no" to external world success, if it should come our way.  The only issue would be in becoming attached to having these things...seeing oneself  as needing them in order to be whole an complete. 

I already have within me everything required for joy and happiness.  I already have within me what is important and what is real. It is enough.  It is more than enough.  I have loyal readers.  I see you on google analytics. Thank you! Thank you!

All is well!

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