Friday, September 1, 2023

Breaking Clear Away for A Few Days

Keep close to Nature's heart...and break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.

John Muir

I need to get off my butt and get moving.  We are going camping today. Taking a loved one who so needs the zap of a dopamine rise, on an adventure that will rise the dopamine, let me tell ya. Not sure if this old ticker that wants nothing more than a decrease in Adrenaline and the other sympathetic hormones...will like it or not ...but we are going to give it a try. Dopamine is the friendly loving cousin in the sympathetic response...though she  often travels with the other not so friendly ones, she is someone we all want around. It makes us feel good and excited, more so than fearful.  I, myself, could do with a Dopamine zap. We will see what happens.

One thing about tenting out in the wilderness, is that it requires a lot of planning and effort. And I am a wee bit tired from that planning and effort, especially after chasing  my grandson around for ten hours. I have yet to finish packing and getting everything together. Sigh.  I need to kind of anticipate that there might not be a lot of "rest" over the next 48 hours to recover in either. Oh well, we are gong to make the best of it and enjoy what we can. I might even bring my cameras...

Anyway, It is all good. See you in a few days.

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