Wednesday, September 27, 2017

There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.

I know what I am doing when I get home....zzzzzzzz.

The neurons in my gray matter are not firing very quickly this morning lol so I will make this quick. 

"Oh good!  Another quickie!"

If you are anything like my kids or my students you will appreciate the lack of wordage from an otherwise very wordy person.  Consider it a break.

But only a break.  I still have lots of words rumbling and tumbling inside me, anxious to do their somersaults and cart wheels  out onto the page.  They will make their debut...but today...a less than happy body and a sleep deprived mind are calling the shots!

No matter how many times I tell myself I am going to embrace the sleep paralysis when it occurs so I can see what it is really all about...the fear gets the best of me and prevents a good night sleep after an episode  in case it happens again.   Next time...I will get to the bottom of this lol.

Anyway, have a wonderful day!

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