When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; when I sit in my own place of patience what I need flows to me, and without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.
Rumi- (http://www.azquotes.com/quote/528536)
Let it Be
After all that writing on the need to change our minds there is something I am learning. I won't find or know or be able to teach anything until I allow things to be exactly as they are.
Changing our mind is not where we leave this. Changing our mind is an action and freedom from the mind we are caught in does not result from action. Like everything of Truth, freedom simply results from simply being. We need to allow whatever is happening right here and right now to be what it is.
Waking Up in a Huge Net
Imagine yourself caught in a huge net. You want the freedom of floating in the perfect, crystal clear water around you. But you are stuck in a net. You resist the entrapment. You struggle to get out but the more you struggle the more ensnared in this net you get.
When we begin to wake up and realize we are caught in ego mind and know it is not where we want to be we begin to resist the net which is made up of our attachment, thinking, believing, conditioning, struggle to get ahead etc. We are not where we want to be. We want the freedom of peace of mind...of clarity of Love...what God has given us as our birthright that exists when and only when we get out of this trap.
We decide, at least in part, we want the freedom on the other side. So we begin our spiritual journey to get out of the net. We begin a struggle against the ego and everything it stands for. We begin pulling at the strands of mental fiber that are holding us back. We resist thought or actively try to change it with thought. We work on our thinking. We attempt to "solve" the problem of ego. We defend and attack against it. We try to "fix" our illusions. We "read and study" the scriptures and every piece of spiritual wisdom out there. We "give up", "lose" and sacrifice the things of the physical world a little at a time. We "go" inside, seeing meditation as an action, a means to an end. We "seek" the truth and hold our breaths until we find it. We give up our peace in the now and struggle to find spiritual reality in the future. What we are doing is "fighting" resisting and struggling to find peace. Is that not an oxymoron in itself?
Stop resisting
What we are looking for on our spiritual journey will not be found in struggle and resistance. We cannot put an end to thinking traps by thinking, doing traps by doing. What we resists persists, does it not? This ego hold on us continues to persist as long as we are "actively resisting it". We won't get there if we go from one doing to the next dependent on some future time to have the answers we are looking for.
What we have to realize is that we are already where we want to be. We are in the water, always have been, always will be. The net is not holding us back...our resistance to it is. We need to stop struggling, stop fighting, stop seeking, stop "doing" , stop "trying" and just be. We need to let this moment be exactly what it is, perception of net and all. When we do that and I mean truly do that...the net erodes away because we realize what it was, was never enough to hold us back.
Truth trumps perception because it just is. Freedom just is. God just is. We just are!...
We won't find true spiritual sense by doing, just being. We won't find it in the future, just now. And we won't know who we are until we realize who we are doesn't matter.
Be not content with future happiness. It has no meaning, and is not just reward. For you have cause for freedom now.
ACIM, Chapter 26:VIII:9:1-3
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